Monitoring of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings


 Signature and ratification

  • Signed: 10 October 2007
  • Ratified: 4 April 2013
  • Entry into force: 1 August 2013

 Text of the Convention

 Hungary – 3rd Evaluation Round | In progress

Focus: Access to justice and effective remedies for victims of trafficking in human beings  

(done)  GRETA Third round questionnaire

EN - FR | sent 24 June 2022 

(done)  Government's Reply to GRETA's Questionnaire

EN| received 28 October 2022

  • Annex 2 (EN)
  • Annex 5 (EN)
  • Annex 16 (EN)

(done)  GRETA Monitoring visit to Hungary

EN - FR | 27 February - 3 March 2023

(done)  GRETA's Report and Government’s Comments

EN - FR | 26 February 2024

(done) Recommendation of the Committee of the Parties

EN - FR | Adopted 21 June 2024

(working) Government's Reply to the recommendation of the Committee of the Parties

Deadline 21 June 2026

 Hungary - 2nd Evaluation Round - Completed

Focus: Impact of legislative, policy and practical measures on the prevention of trafficking in human beings, the protection of the rights of victims of trafficking, and the prosecution of traffickers

  GRETA Second round questionnaire : EN - FR | sent 2 February 2018

 Government's Reply to GRETA's Questionnaire : EN| submitted 6 June 2018

 GRETA Monitoring visit to Hungary : EN - FR| 8 to 12 October 2018

 GRETA's Report and Government’s Comments : EN - FR| published 27 September 2019

 Recommendation of the Committee of the Parties : EN - FR| adopted 18 October 2019

 Government's Reply to the recommendation of the Committee of the Parties : EN | submitted 16 October 2020

 Hungary - Urgent procedure

Under Rule 7 of the rules of procedure for evaluating the implementation of the Convention by the Parties, GRETA may make an urgent request for information when it receives reliable information indicating a situation where problems require immediate attention to prevent or limit the scale or number of serious violations of the Convention. In 2017, GRETA was made aware of the adoption of Law No. T/13976, pursuant to which unaccompanied migrant children aged 14 or more are considered adults during a “crisis situation caused by mass immigration” declared by the Hungarian government and do not benefit from the usual child protection measures provided to other separated or unaccompanied children, raising a number of questions related to GRETA’s mandate.

 Urgent request for information sent by GRETA to the Hungarian authorities, sent 21 June 2017

 Reply by the Hungarian Ministry of the Interior, received on 3 July 2017

 A country visit to Hungary - EN I FR, 18 to 20 December 2017

 GRETA's Report and Government’s Comments - EN I FR I HUN, published 27 April 2018

 Hungary - 1st Evaluation Round - Completed

Focus: Overview of the implementation of the Convention by each state party

 GRETA First round questionnaire : EN - FR | sent 27 January 2014

 Government's Reply to GRETA's Questionnaire : EN | submitted 27 May 2014

 GRETA Monitoring visit to Hungary | 8 to 11 July 2014

 GRETA's Report and Government’s Comments : EN - FR - HU| published 29 May 2015

 Recommendation of the Committee of the Parties : EN - FR| adopted 15 June 2015

 Government's Reply to the recommendation of the Committee of the Parties : EN | submitted 23 June 2017


The Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Convention is the first international legal instrument to take a human rights-based approach to the fight against human trafficking.

 More about the Convention


An important added value of the Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Convention is the monitoring mechanism set up to supervise its implementation by State Parties

 Monitoring procedure

Levels of urgency of GRETA recommendations

GRETA uses three different levels of recommendations in its reports:

“URGE” - when GRETA assesses that the national legislation or policies are not in compliance with the Convention, or when it finds that, despite the existence of legal provisions and other measures, the implementation of a key obligation under the Convention is lacking.

“CONSIDER” - when GRETA assesses that it is necessary to make further improvements to fully comply with a provision of the Convention

“INVITE” - when GRETA assesses that the measures taken to comply with a provision of the Convention are already in place and should be continued and fully implemented in practice

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