16. Is donation of sperm/oocytes/embryos anonymous? sperm No / oocytes No / embryos Yes. Articles 6 though to 9 of the Act
17. Is it possible to obtain information about the biological origin of a child born after gametes of embryo donation?
i. For the child him or herself No; ii. For the parents No; iii. For a court No
a. Identity of the donor(s)
i. For the child him or herself No; ii. For the parents No; iii. For a court No
b. Certain health information concerning the donor(s)
i. For the child him or herself No; ii. For the parents No; iii. For a court No
c. Other information
i. For the child him or herself No; ii. For the parents No; iii. For a court No
Article 19 has two provisions:
19(1): That any child born of any medically assisted procreation, including cases where the child was born from donated germ line cells or a donated embryo, shall be considered as the child of the prospective parent(s) who has/have expressed their consent to the procedure. It also states that for all intents and purposes of the law, the child will be considered to have been ‘naturally born of the same prospective parent or prospective parents’. The child will be registered in any act of civil status as the direct descendant of such prospective parent(s), who then have the rights and duties under the law in respect of the child.
19(2) states explicitly that there shall be no link of filiation between the child born from donated germ line cells or adopted embryos and the persons from whom donated germ line cells or adopted embryos originated.
Note : (Interestingly, in a scientific sense, this also acknowledges that the Gestational mother is more important that the Genetic mother under these circumstances)
The law does not explicitly mention the cases ticked ‘NO’ above, but Article 22 of the Act does oblige the licensee who performs MAP to ‘keep a confidential register with full details of every medically assisted procreation procedure, germ line donation, cryo-preservation of germ line cells and cryo-preservation of embryos in terms of this Act and to pass on this information to the Authority without delay’
Note: Presumably therefore, the Authority may in certain circumstances, e.g. for health reasons, give permission to reveal identities. This is not however explicitly stated, but keeping the register mean implicitly having a safety net.
18. Is it possible to contest maternity and paternity of children born utilising MAP and under which conditions? See comments in point 19