CCPE country profile Iceland
CCPE member: Mr Helgi Magnús GUNNARSSON
Deputy director, Director of Public Prosecution
National documents
Replies to CCPE questionnaires
Translations of relevant documents
- Opinion No. 12 (2017) on the role of prosecutors in relation to the rights of victims and witnesses in criminal proceedings
- Opinion No. 11 (2016) on the quality and efficiency of the work of prosecutors, including when fighting terrorism and serious and organised crime
- Opinion No. 10 (2015) on The role of prosecutors in criminal investigations
- Opinion No. 9 (2014) on European norms and principles concerning prosecutors
- Opinion No. 8 (2013) on Relations between prosecutors and the media
- Opinion No. 7 (2012) on the Management of the means of Prosecution services
- Opinion No. 6 (2011) on the Relationship between prosecutors and the prison administration
- Opinion No. 5 (2010) on the Role of public prosecution and juvenile justice
- Opinion No. 4 (2009) on the relations between Judges and Prosecutors in a democratic society
- Opinion No. 3 (2008) on the Role of prosecution services outside the Criminal Law Field
- Opinion No. 2 (2008) on Alternatives to prosecution
- Opinion No. 1 (2007) on Ways to improve international co-operation in the criminal justice field
- Recommendation Rec(2000)19 on the Role of Public Prosecution in the Criminal Justice System