CCPE country profile Romania
CCPE member: Mr Horatiu RAZVAN RADU
Superior Council of Magistracy
National documents
Replies to CCPE questionnaires
You will find the original questionnaires which have been sent to the members on the page "Preliminary works" devoted to each of the opinions.
- Reply from Romania to the questionnaire on the role of prosecutors in emergency situations, in particular when facing a pandemic (Opinion Nr 15 / 2020)
- Reply from Romania to the questionnaire on The rights of victims, witnesses and vulnerable persons (2017)
- Reply from Romania to the questionnaire on The quality and efficiency of the work of prosecutors, including as regards the fight against organised crime and terrorism (2016)
- Reply from Romania to the questionnaire on Action of prosecutors within the framework of criminal investigation (2015)
- Reply from Romania to the questionnaire on relations between the prosecutors and the media (Opinion No. 8 / 2013)
- Reply from Romania to the questionnaire on Management of the means of the prosecution services (Opinion No 7 / 2012)
- Reply from Romania to the questionnaire on the Relationships between prosecutors and prison administration (Opinion No 6 / 2011)
- Reply from Romania to the questionnaire on the "Principles of public action in the field of justice for juvenils" (Opinion No. 5 /2010)
Translations of relevant documents
- AVIZUL CCPE nr. 15 (2020): Rolul procurorilor în situații de urgență, în special atunci când se confruntă cu o pandemie - Opinion No. 15 (2020) on the role of prosecutors in emergency situations, in particular when facing a pandemic
- Avizul CCPE nr. 14 (2019): „ Rolul procurorilor în combaterea corupției și infracțiunile economice și financiare conexe ” - Opinion No. 14 (2019): The role of prosecutors in fighting corruption and related economic and financial crime
- Avizul CCPE nr. 13(2018): "Independența, responsabilitatea și etica procurorilor" - Opinion No. 13 (2018): Independence, accountability and ethics of prosecutors
- Avizul CCPE nr. 12 (2017) asupra « Rolului procurorilor în privinta drepturilor victimelor si martorilor în procedurile penale - Opinion No. 12 (2017) on the role of prosecutors in relation to the rights of victims and witnesses in criminal proceedings
- Opinia nr. 11 “calitatea si eficien?a re?elei de procurori, inclusiv în lupta împotriva terrismului si crimei organizate si grave - Opinion No. 11 (2016) on the quality and efficiency of the work of prosecutors, including when fighting terrorism and serious and organised crime
- Avizul nr. 9 (2014) în atenția Comitetului Miniştrilor al Consiliului Europei privind normele și principiile europene referitoare la procurori (Opinion No. 9 (2014) on "European norms and principles concerning prosecutors")
- AVIZ (2012) nr. 7 al CONSILIULUI CONSULTATIV AL PROCURORILOR EUROPENI PRIVIND MANAGEMENTUL RESURSELOR DE CARE DISPUN PARCHETELE (Opinion No. 7 (2012) on the management of the means of Prosecution Services)
- YEREVAN DECLARATION / Opinia Nr. 5 Ministerul public si justitia pentru minori - DECLARATIA DE LA EREVAN (Opinion No. 5 (2010): Public prosecution and juvenile justice)
- PRIVIND RELAŢIILE DINTRE JUDECĂTORI ŞI PROCURORI (Opinion No. 4 (2009) on relations between Judges and Prosecutors)
- Opinion No. 3 (2008) on the "Role of prosecution services outside the Criminal Law Field"
- Avizul nr. 2 (2008) Consiliului Consultativ al Procurorilor Europeni privind „Alternativele la urmărirea penală” (Opinion No. 2 (2008) on "Alternatives to prosecution")
- ModalităŃi de îmbunătăŃire a cooperării internaŃionale în domeniul justiŃiei penale” (Opinion No. 1 (2007) on "Ways to improve international co-operation in the criminal justice field")
- Recommendation (2006) 8 on assistance to crime victims
- Recommendation (2005) 9 on the protection of witnesses and collaborators of justice
- Recommendation (99) 20 concerning the friendly settlement of any difficulty that may arise out of the application of the Council of Europe conventions in the penal field
- Recommendation (99) 19 concerning mediation in penal matters
- Recommendation (97) 13 concerning intimidation of witnesses and the rights of the defence
- Recommendation (92) 1 on the use of analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) within the framework of the criminal justice system
- Recommendation (85) 11 on the position of the victim
- Recommendation (80) 11 concerning custody pending trial
- Recommendation (80) 9 concerning extradition to states not party to the European Convention on Human Rights
Links to relevant Institutions
- Public Ministry:
- National Anticorruption Directorate:
- Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism:
- Superior Council of Magistracy:
- Ministry of Justice:
- National Institute of Magistracy:
Other CCPE documents
- Opinion of the CCPE Bureau following a request by the Romanian Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors as regards the situation on the independence of the prosecutors in Romania (May 2019) - in English - in Romanian [Avizul Biroului CCPE formulat ca urmare a cererii Mișcării Române pentru Apărarea Statutului Procurorilor, cu privire la situația privind independența procurorilor din România]