Strasbourg, 14 April 2016





21-22 April 2016
Council of Europe, Agora, Strasbourg
Room G01

Opening of the meeting: Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 2.00 pm
Close of the meeting: Friday, 22 April 2016 at 5.00 pm


1. Opening of the meeting by the Chair


2. Adoption of the agenda

[CDCPP-Bu(2016)OJ1 rev.3]


3. General questions

3.1 State of implementation of the work programme and calendar of meetings in 2016



3.2 Committee of Ministers’ decisions concerning the CDCPP



4. Fields of activities of the CDCPP

4.1 Culture

  • Culture and Democracy Framework Indicators – State of implementation
  • Compendium of cultural policies – New perspectives of funding
  • Council of Europe exchange platform on the impact of digitization on culture – 2016 meeting
  • Council of Europe art exhibitions – Toward a new concept

[CDCPP-Bu(2016)3 rev.]





4.2 Heritage

  • Implementation of the Namur Declaration – Strategy 21 – State of progress
  • « Faro Community » - Revised modalities and action plan
  • Analysis of the impact of the technical assistance projects – State of implementation
  • HEREIN network and database – Update
  • European Heritage Days - Presentation






4.3 Landscape

  • Meeting « Landscape and democracy » - State of implementation



5. Meeting of the CDCPP on 13-15 June 2016 – Preliminary draft agenda

[CDCPP(2016)OJ1 prov.]


6. Information concerning other bodies of the Council of Europe and Partial Agreements



7. Miscellaneous 

7.1 Follow-up to the 2015 Sarajevo Conference Declaration on “Women in today’s European film industry”


7.2 Implementation of Budget and Programme for 2016-2017 and prospects for 2018-2019



8. Dates of the next meetings


9. Closing of the meeting

Illustration about the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP)
  • Daniil KHOCHABO
  • Gillian FRENCH

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