
Council of Europe, Agora Building, Room G 02, Strasbourg

4 (9.30 am) – 7 December 2012 (1.00 pm)

  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Adoption of the draft agenda
CDPC (2012) OJ2 Draft agenda
CDPC (2012) 17 Annotated agenda
CDPC (2012) 8 For information: List of decisions of the CDPC Plenary, 29 May – 1 June 2012
CDPC-BU (2012) 4 For information: List of decisions of the CDPC Bureau, 4-5 October 2012
Terms of reference Terms of reference of the CDPC
CM Res (2011) 24 Resolution on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods
  3. Trafficking in organs
PC-TO (2012) 1 rev 4 Preliminary draft Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs
PC-TO (2012) 13 rev 1 Explanatory Report
PC-TO (2012) 13 rev 2 Explanatory Report with comments by PC-TO members
CDPC (2012) 14 Questionnaire
CDPC (2012) 18 Replies to the questionnaire
Reply Reply by Italy
Reply Reply by Poland
Reply Reply by the Russian Federation
  4. Follow-up to the 31st Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Justice (Vienna, 19-21 September 2012) : “Responses of Justice to urban violence”
MJU-31 (2012) RESOL. Resolution on responses of justice to urban violence
MJU-31 (2012) 02 For information: SG Report on previous conference
Website Website of the Conference
Decision Decision of the Committee of Ministers (taken on 28 November 2012)
CM (2012) 145 SG report on Vienna
  5. Dangerous offenders
Terms of reference Terms of reference of the Ad hoc Drafting Group on Dangerous Offenders (PC-GR-DD)
  6. Council for Penological Co-operation (PC-CP)
PC-CP (2012) 16

Report of the 2nd Meeting of the PC-CP Working Group, Paris, 15-17 October 2012

  a. The 17th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison Administration (CDAP)



Conclusions of the CDAP


Conclusions of the meeting on prison overcrowding

  b. Electronic monitoring
PC-CP (2012) 7 rev 2

Scope and definitions

  7. Promotion of the Integrity of Sport against the Manipulation of Results, notably match-fixing
CM decision

Decision of the Committee of Ministers

  a. Possible Council of Europe Convention against Manipulation of Sports Results and notably Match-fixing
EPAS (2012) 27rev

Preliminary draft Convention against manipulation of sports results

EPAS (2012) 23rev1

Framework and timetable for the process of negotiating a draft international convention to combat the manipulation of sports results

CDPC (2012) 1

Feasibility study on criminal law on Promotion of the integrity of sport against manipulation of results, notably match-fixing (Please note the document is 102 pages long)


Letter of the Chair of the CDPC


Letter of the Chair of the Governing Board of EPAS

  b. Feasibility of an Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (ETS No. 173)


CDPC (2012) 19 Bil

Replies to the questionnaire



  8. Committee of Experts on the operation of European conventions on co-operation in criminal matters (PC-OC)
PC-OC Mod (2012) 04 List of decisions of the 14th meeting of the PC-OC Mod
PC-OC (2012) OJ 2 rev. Draft agenda of the 63rd Plenary meeting of the PC-OC
PC-OC (2012) 13 List of decisions of the 63rd Plenary meeting of the PC-OC
PC-OC Mod (2012) 01 rev 4 Practical guidelines on jurisdiction and transfer of proceedings 
  9. Activities related to transnational organised crime
Terms of reference Terms of reference of the Ad hoc Drafting Group on Transnational Organised Crime (PC-GR-COT)
  10. Follow-up to the decision adopted by the Plenary on activities related to piracy
CDPC (2012) 11 Background working paper
Appendices Appendices (Please note the document is 108 pages long)
CDPC (2012) 15 Questionnaire
CDPC (2012) 16 Bil Replies to the questionnaire (Please note the document is 73 pages long)
  11. Alternative measures to imprisonment
CDPC (2012) 13 Existing Council of Europe instruments and activities pertaining to quasi-compulsory measures (PCM)
  12. Information provided by the Secretariat
  a. Medicrime
Chart of signatures and ratifications

Council of Europe Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health

  b. Review of Council of Europe Conventions
SG/Inf(2012)12 Addendum

Report by the Secretary General (Please note the document is 64 pages long)

  13. Any other business
  14. Date of the next meeting