About the activity

The Policy Advice on the Improvement of the Distribution and Exercise of Competences by Island Municipalities was carried out in Greece by the Centre of Expertise with the support of the Institute of Local Administration.

This activity aimed at providing the Hellenic Ministry of Interior with a policy advice to improve the allocation of competences to Greek island municipalities and how these are exerted at local level.



This Policy Advice focuses on island municipalities in Greece and considers a number of actions with a view to:

  • strengthening their administrative, fiscal and financial capacity;
  • promoting a consistent National policy on islands; and
  • facilitating multi-level cooperation.

The findings draw from a comprehensive interview programme conducted in early 2017. Insights provided by institutional stakeholders, senior officials and experts underpin the critical assessment of the insular governance in Greece. International good practices are presented to

Furthermore, in order to take into account the heterogeneity of Greek island municipalities, the report suggests possible criteria to categorise island municipalities and develop tailored policies. 



Greek stakeholders warmly welcomed this initiative and expressed their appreciation for a research which is addressed to island municipalities only. The Centre of Expertise would like to thank all parties involved in the activity for their fundamental contribution to this extensive analysis.


Project team Council of Europe Experts

Ms. Claudia Piferi, Project Officer

Ms. Katerina Chatzipetrou, Project Assistant

Mr. Lorenzo Allio

Mr. Charalampos Koutalakis


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