LuxembourgCEPEJ Member: Christiane Bisenius

Procureur général d'Etat adjointe
Parquet général du Grand-duché de Luxembourg 
Cité Judiciaire, L - 2080 Luxembourg

Membre suppléante:
Conseiller de gouvernement première classe
Ministère de la justice
Centre administratif Pierre Werner 
13, rue Erasme, L–1468 LUXEMBOURG-KIRCHBERG

Luxembourg - European Cyberjustice Network members (ECN)

Marc SCHILTZ    
Advocate General at the Luxembourg Public Prosecutor's Office          
Jim POLFER    
First Substitute at the District Prosecutor's Office of Luxembourg

National Correspondent

Service Statistique de la Justice
Cité Judiciaire
L-2080 Luxembourg

Pilot Court

Tribunal d’Arrondissement de Diekirch
Brigitte KONZ
Présidente du Tribunal

Evaluation Exercise


Links to relevant Institutions


Recent developments in the judicial field

[Original in French - unofficial translation]

1) The Act of 27 June 2017 ( introduced a new multi-year recruitment plan aimed at strengthening the cadre of judges and prosecutors by a total of 35 persons. Concurrent appointments of non-judicial staff are made through the normal recruitment channels of the State of Luxembourg.
2) At the time of writing this e-mail, the law on the introduction of the family court was passed by the Chamber of Deputies, but has not yet been promulgated. This law makes an in-depth reform of family law, including divorce law. It is also accompanied by the creation of six additional judicial posts. The reference to the law may be communicated in case of interest as soon as it has been published in the official gazette.
(3) Another law is about to be passed aimed at reforming both the execution of sentences in criminal matters and the prison administration, in particular by introducing an enforcement chamber competent to hear appeals against decisions taken by the State Prosecutor General on the execution of criminal sentences. Here again the reference to be communicated in case of interest.
4) A third private bill could be passed before the summer recess to reform the Financial Intelligence Unit, which will be attached, but as an autonomous unit, to the State Prosecutor General. It will therefore no longer be attached to the public prosecutor's office at the Luxembourg district court, in reaction to certain recommendations made by the FATF in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
5) The "paperless justice" project, which is a multi-year project currently covering five years and whose aim is to establish digital justice, has entered a new phase with the start of the implementation of two specific projects, namely the digitisation of procedures before the administrative courts and the provision by digital means of the case law currently contained in the databases of the Centre for Research and Documentation of Justice.
6) The report of the Committee on Institutions and Constitutional Review was then submitted to the Chamber of Deputies. The proposed revision of the Constitution also includes a number of provisions on strengthening, inter alia, the independence of the judiciary, including members of the prosecution service. This project also provides for the introduction of a National Justice Council ($D33BEBE1855661A6F5A5FDBEE8D39D2).
(7) Lastly, the Government has submitted to the Chamber of Deputies a bill on the establishment of a Supreme Council of the Judiciary, since the date for approval of the draft constitutional reform cannot be determined with sufficient precision, and the Government, like the judiciary, considers it urgent to establish such a council. see :$C872F3286BCC6F5A1A07C92A3269E1CD

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