SpainMembre de la CEPEJ: Juan Fernando ARMENGOT IBORRA

Ministère de la Justice


Espagne - Membres du Réseau Européen de cyberjustice (REC)

Direction générale de la transformation numérique de l'administration de la justice
Alejandro Fernández MUNOZ     
Direction générale de la transformation numérique de l'administration de la justice    

Correspondant national

Ministry of Justice

Tribunal référent

Madrid Commercial Court No 7 
Judicial Counsellor

Exercice d'évaluation


Traductions des documents de la CEPEJ (si disponibles)

Liens vers des institutions pertinentes


Développements récents en matière de justice

Contribution originale transmise en anglais.

For a long time now, a basic consensus has existed in Spain on the need for a modernising boost to our justice system. The idea is to bring in structural changes in the organisation and operation of their courts of law. These changes would enable the courts to reap full advantage of being endowed with more resources leading to greater efficiency. As from 1st January 2010, that qualitative change in the structure of justice cames about with the implementation of the new judicial office model, a key element for meeting public demand for a justice system that is flexible, modern and efficient. The Act on procedural reform that has created the new judicial office was unanimously approved, and this is a particularly important and significant fact because such a broad, solid support guarantees the stability and success of such a transformation of major importance in the day-to-day running of the Administration of Justice (New judicial office modernisation of justice).

Organigramme du système judiciaire