European Cyberjustice Network
The European Cyberjustice Network (ECN) allows the exchange of good practices and helps to define future initiatives by the Council of Europe to support its member States in the digital transformation of their judiciary in line with Human Rights standards. The network supports the activities of the CEPEJ and its working groups (CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST et al.). The Network was inaugured on 16 November 2021.
The activities of the Network are steered by the CEPEJ Working group on Cyberjustice and Artificial Intelligence (CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST).
The European Cyberjustice Network contributes to the content of the CEPEJ Resource Center on Cyberjustice and Artificial Intelligence which provides concrete resources on Cyberjustice and gives an overview of the development, implementation and use of artificial intelligence tools in the judicial environment in Europe and beyond.
Role and Tasks :
The ECN’s role is:
- to exchange information on good practices as well as challenges encountered in member States concerning cyberjustice and artificial intelligence in the judicial environment. It should monitor and exchange information on pilot and ongoing projects in member States;
- to consult on matters falling within the scope of the mandate of CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST to provide up-to-date background and statistical information on the situation in member States;
- to initiate proposals for new tools, actions and co-operation projects and new actions based on the needs identified by member States and the CEPEJ working groups;
- to disseminate information and tools developed by the CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST and, where appropriate, to organise training sessions for the competent authorities in member states;
- to support local initiatives to test the new CEPEJ tools in practice and inform the CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST on their results;
- to provide a platform for bilateral and multilateral co-operation for the development of e-justice applications.
Members ,Observers and Partner institutions:
Members by country / institution (observers) of the European Cyberjustice network
The members of the European Cyberjustice network appear also in each country profile
Observers and Partner institutions :
- Japan
- Kazakhstan
- Morocco
- AEAJ Association of European Administrative Judges
- CCBE Council of European Bars and Law Societies
- EEEI – European Expertise and Expert Institute
- EJTN – European Judicial Training Network
- ENCJ – European Network of the Councils for the Judiciary
- EUR – European Union of Rechtspfleger
- FRA – European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
- ICODR – International Council for Online Dispute Resolution
- MEDEL – Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés
- OECD – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Research Centre of European Private Law, Napoli, Italy
- Scuola superiore della magistratura, Italy
- The Cyberjustice Laboratory of Montreal
- UIHJ International Union of Judicial Officers
- University of Pisa, Italy
ECN Webinar #10/2025 Artificial Intelligence to provide judicial expertise?
Complexity in court cases can require the consultation of experts by the judge and the parties. Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) suitable to support the experts in their work and if yes under what conditions? Are there situations allowing the use of AI to provide expertise directly, without the...
Online Alternative Dispute Resolution in the focus of the 2024 Annual meeting of the CEPEJ European Cyberjustice Network
On 21 November 2024, the CEPEJ's European Cyberjustice Network (ECN) held its annual meeting to discuss the Guidelines on online alternative dispute resolution adopted by the CEPEJ in December 2023. Following a presentation of the guidelines by Federica Casarosa, Professor at the European...
ECN Webinar #9/2024 Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence – What does it mean for the judiciary? Navigating HUDERIA and CEPEJ Ethical AI Charter Assessment Tool
The Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law was adopted on 17 May 2024 by the Committee of Ministers and will be opened for signature as of September 2024. What are the practical implications for the judiciaries that...
ECN Webinar #8/2024 Good Practices for Remote Hearings
Following the publication of the CEPEJ Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings and Selected National Good practices, remote hearings seem to have become a solid option in the proceedings. On 11 April 2024, the European Cyberjustice Network (ECN) will present recent developments in...
ECN Webinar #7/2024 Generative AI in the field of Justice
Is generative artificial Intelligence (AI) suitable for the administration of justice? The use of generative AI in the private sector is on the rise and new systems are rolled out nearly every day. But what is the situation for the public sector? What are the tools currently used and what are...
ECN Webinar #6/2023 – Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice
Digitalisation of Justice is ongoing, and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems is increasing in the judicial environment. Numerous examples can be found in civil law. But how does it look in the administration of justice in the criminal field? What is the status of digitalisation? What...
ECN Webinar #5/2023 – Digital Civil Courts – challenges and lessons learned
The future of European judiciaries is digital! Substantive reforms of the civil courts are currently on its way, ranging from digital front ends to fully digitalised procedures. Do the reforms deliver in making the justice systems cheaper, faster, more transparent, and more accessible for...
ECN Webinar #4/2023 – Bridging the Digital Divide
Europe’s judiciaries are advancing steadily towards cyberjustice. “Digital by default”, if not even “mobile by default” appears the new principle for the delivery of public services. Efficiency and access to justice benefit from the strategic implementation of new technologies. But what about the...
CEPEJ European Cyberjustice Network Webinar #3/2022 – Management of Cyberjustice Projects – Lessons learned and practical guidance
The CEPEJ - European Cyberjustice Network (ECN) will address the challenges of digital transformation of judiciaries during an online seminar to be held on 29 September 2022. The discussion will be focused on CEPEJ Guidelines on how to drive change towards Cybejustice (2016) and the Toolkit for...
CEPEJ European Cyberjustice Network Webinar #2/2022 – Updating of the CEPEJ ICT Index and indicators for digitalisation of judiciaries
On 2 September 2022, the CEPEJ- European Cyberjustice Network (ECN) will hold an online meeting to present and discuss a revised ICT questionnaire developed to measure the European countries’ progress towards cyberjustice. The Working Group on Cyberjustice and Artificial intelligence...
Judicial e-auctions in the focus of the 2023 Annual meeting of the CEPEJ European Cyberjustice Network
On 23 November 2023, the CEPEJ's European Cyberjustice Network (ECN) held its annual meeting to exchange on emerging issues in cyberjustice and to present and discuss the “Guide on judicial e-auctions”, adopted by the CEPEJ at its June plenary meeting. This year’s keynote was given by Mireille...
Digitalisation of Courts in the focus of the 2022 Annual meeting of the CEPEJ European Cyberjustice Network
On 21 October 2022, the CEPEJ's European Cyberjustice Network (ECN) will hold its annual meeting to present and discuss the “guidelines on electronic court filing and digitalisation of courts”, adopted by the CEPEJ. The guidelines are a key document concerning the CEPEJ's work on...
Online exchange between judiciaries of Mexico and Spain on digitalisation of justice organised by the European Cyberjustice Network
On 5th of May, the CEPEJ European Cyberjustice Network organises an exchange of experiences at the occasion of the presentation of the Spanish “Draft Bill on Digital Efficiency measures of the public Justice Service” and the implementation of technological tools in judiciaries in Mexico. The...
Official launching of the European Cyberjustice Network of the CEPEJ
The CEPEJ, via its working group on cyberjustice and AI (CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST), decided in 2020 to create a European Cyberjustice Network. On 16 November 2021, the CEPEJ officially launched the European Cyberjustice Network (ECN), in virtual presence of more than 100 experts appointed by their...
Collaborative workspaces: