
25 octobre 2010

(Contribution originale en anglais)

EU Civil Justice Day, Monday 18 October 2010 - Scotland (Edinburgh), 2.30 – 5.00 p.m.

In 2003 the European Commission and the Council of Europe established a European Civil Justice Day to take place on 25 October each year, in order to bring civil justice to the attention of the European public.

Since then, as well as raise awareness among EU citizens of what civil justice is and what their rights are in relation to it, it has also given those whose work is influenced by EU policy and legislation the opportunity to share information and learn about forthcoming proposals.

This year, the Scottish Government and the Law Society of Scotland are co-hosting an event on Monday 18 October to mark EU Civil Justice Day. It will focus on a number of key developments in EU civil law that will have a significant domestic impact – both for citizens and for those who advise them.

Topics for discussion include: small claims debt recovery and enforcement; succession law and family law. Tools designed to simplify the provision of cross-border legal advice such as the e-justice portal will also be presented.

It is also an opportunity to find out about the variety of ways those who offer advice can themselves keep up-to-date with EU legislative developments, including the various services offered by the Society’s Brussels Office and by the EU and International Law Team at the Scottish Government.

The event will begin with lunch and there will be an opening address from Fergus Ewing, Minister for Community Safety. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions or to have an informal chat.