
European day of justice 201627 & 29 September 2016

The Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic has decided to join the initiative of CEPEJ and, in addition to activities intended for the professional community (International scientific conference on the “Implementation of the decisions of international judicial bodies by national court and other public authorities – V. Constitutional Days” – 27 September 2016), to organise also a “Doors Open Day” event whose goal is to bring closer to the lay public not only the decisions of the Constitutional Court, but also the everyday work of its judges and its other employees.

The Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia plans to release illustrated versions of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union suitable as study materials for pupils of primary schools and students of secondary schools. The Constitutional Court is preparing a meeting of the members of the Slovak Debate Association, who will hold a public discussion on the topic: “What qualifications should a candidate for a judge of the Constitutional Court meet?”

The participants at the “Doors Open Day”, which will take place on 29 September 2016, will have the opportunity to read key decisions of the Constitutional Court as well as the most peculiar submissions. The public will have the opportunity to see the art works of the pupils of primary art schools and secondary art schools on the theme “Justice through my own eyes” as well as to hear the best essays written by students of secondary schools on the same topic.



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