The Committee on Social Inclusion and Human Dignity (former Current Affairs Committee) is responsible for ensuring contributions by local and regional authorities to the promotion and implementation of Council of Europe’s core values in the areas of social cohesion, equality and non-discrimination. 

According to its mandate, the Committee works on thematic issues including:

•    Safeguarding fundamental rights, democracy and equality at subnational level in the face of emerging challenges, including social care, migration, human trafficking, media freedom and access to information, as well as the development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence;

•    Combatting various forms of discrimination and violence against vulnerable groups of population, such as older persons, migrants and refugees, LGBTIQ and others;

•    Supporting youth and youth policies.

In terms of working methods, the Committee prepares reports for Congress Plenary or Chamber sessions, contributes to the development of normative instruments and organises conferences, hearings or study visits linked to its work programme. 

Activities by the Committee shall be led in accordance with the Congress priorities, as revised in the light of the Council of Europe Reykjavík Declaration “United around our values” and based on the rights guaranteed by European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No.5), the European Social Charter (ETS No.163), as well as other relevant Council of Europe standards. The Committee shall also support the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

Related to its focus topics, the Committee shall follow and maintain working relations with other Council of Europe bodies, including subsidiary bodies of the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Conference of International NGO, as well as with other European and international organisations, thus contributing to the impact and visibility of Congress work.


Congress launches revision of the Youth Participation Charter

12 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Congress’ Committee on Social Inclusion and Human Dignity has launched a survey among key partners as part of the revision of the European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life. The Charter, first adopted in 1992 and last revised in 2003, is the only charter...

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Ageing communities, artificial intelligence, housing and human trafficking on the agenda of the Social Inclusion Committee

4 July 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Committee on Social Inclusion and Human Dignity of the Congress, meeting in Strasbourg on 4 July, approved a report on “Ageing communities - ensuring access to quality social care for older persons” by rapporteurs Joanne Laban (United Kingdom, ECR) and Carla Dejonghe (Belgium, ILDG). For this...

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Congress and Council of Europe youth bodies join forces for the Youth Participation Charter revision

5 July 2024 Strasbourg, France

On 5 July 2024, the Committee on Social Inclusion and Human Dignity of the Congress organised a consultative meeting in Strasbourg to move forward with the new revision of the European Charter on the participation of young people in local and regional life, adopted in 1992 and revised for the...

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The number of seats in committees and their apportionment by country is agreed and updated by the Bureau of the Congress.

Composition of the Social Inclusion Committee

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