Youth participation for improved transparent budgeting and decision-making

Municipality/City of Kremenchuk

Oblast: Poltava

Population: 230,000

 Website of the municipality

This initiative seeks to strengthen the contribution of young persons in the participatory budgeting scheme through their engagement in working groups and the support to the projects to be submitted.

Building partnerships with youth organisations, creating networks to help young people implement their initiatives (for example, Youth Councils, and fostering the participation of students in the decision-making and in their schools are all key actions to implement this initiative.

The initiative includes educational activities to achieve its objectives, such as workshops for young people on drafting projects as well as trainings on the presentation of projects and on the participatory budget process.

Kremenchuk launched its participatory budgeting in 2016 and has a long history on youth engagement in the City Council. It is currently establishing a School on Participatory Budgeting, which is closely related to this initiative.

Stakeholders: Children’s Advisory Board; Kremenchuk Youth Parliament; Working Group on Participatory Budgeting; Youth NGOs and groups; City Administration Departments (Department of Youth and Sports).

 Website of the municipality


International and national consultants providing direct expert support to participating municipalities, per topic of initiative

 Biographies (English and Ukrainian)