Project to strengthen anti-corruption and anti-money laundering systems in the Czech Republic (ACAMOL-CZ)

In recent years the Czech Republic has placed high priority on expanding its involvement in relevant international anti-corruption and anti-money laundering fora. Its ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in November 2013 has been the last remaining milestone in this process. At the same time a range of challenges in implementing the relevant international anti-corruption and anti-money laundering/combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) standards remain on multiple levels, including policymaking, legislative and institutional dimensions as well as effective application of relevant norms.
The Project to strengthen anti-corruption and anti-money laundering systems in the Czech Republic aims to address the existing gaps and build capacities of Czech authorities in the abovementioned areas. Implemented through a joint partnership of the Financial Analytical Unit of the Czech Republic (Project Promoter) and the Council of Europe (Project Partner), the Project is financed by the Norway Grants. As the Project Partner the Council of Europe is implementing a selected number of activities in the areas of its particular expertise.
With a duration of 20 months the Project will comprehensively aim to identify and analyse corruption and money laundering risks in the Czech Republic; develop policy and legislative proposals to improve criminal legislation pertaining to anti-corruption and AML/CFT; deliver tailored training to law enforcement authorities on criminal investigations of corruption; elaborate guidelines for recovery of criminal assets; develop legislative and regulatory proposals to strengthen the regime for political party financing; improve whistle-blower protection mechanisms.
Project Documentation & Deliverables
Norway Grants
Useful Links
Conference on “Corruption risks in the financing of political parties and election campaigns”
The Council of Europe in Cooperation with the Czech Financial Analytical Unit organised a conference on “Corruption risks in the financing of political parties and election campaigns”. The conference which will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice,...
Conference “Challenges in the area of asset recovery”
A Conference on the “Challenges in the area of asset recovery” took place on 9-10 March 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. Representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, prosecutors and judges attended this event which focused on discussing the challenges that authorities face...
Workshop on “Methodologies for the implementation of liability of legal persons”
A workshop on the “Methodologies for the implementation of liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic” took place on 26 January 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. Over 50 representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, prosecutors and judges attend this event in which the...
Contact in Headquarters (Strasbourg)
Head of Unit I
Mr Mustafa FERATI
Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 45 50
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 39 55
Email: Mustafa.FERATI [at]