Results of the Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova presented at the final Steering Committee Meeting and Closing Event

19 November 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

On 19 November 2021, the Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova organised its final Steering Committee (SC) meeting and the Closing Event on an online platform which gathered representatives from beneficiary institutions, SC members, partners and civil society. Implemented over a...

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Workshop on case management in disciplinary proceedings organised for the Superior Council of Magistracy of the Republic of Moldova and its professional boards

27-28 October 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

On 27-28 October 2021, representatives of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Judicial Inspection and Disciplinary Board attended an online workshop on case management and international standards in judicial disciplinary proceedings. During the event, the participants discussed with the Council...

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Mechanisms to consolidate the activity and performance of the Judicial Inspection in the Republic of Moldova discussed at an online roundtable with justice sector institutions

13 October 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova presented the results of the assessment of the national framework and internal practices of the Judicial Inspection during an online roundtable on 13 October 2021. The event was attended by representatives of the Superior Council of...

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Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova launches the national adaptation of the Council of Europe HELP Course on Ethics for Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers

14 September 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

On 14 September 2021, the Council of Europe HELP Course on Ethics for Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers was presented to the first group of trainees following its adaptation to the domestic legal system by Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova. The online launch event was attended by...

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The competences of the National Integrity Authority and effectiveness of the integrity controls discussed with the authorities of the Republic of Moldova

29 July 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova presented the results of the assessment on the review of the national framework, procedures, organization and effectiveness of the National Integrity Authority (NIA) during an online round table on 29 June 2021. The event was attended by...

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Workshop on reasoning of decisions in disciplinary matters organised for representatives of the prosecution system of the Republic of Moldova

9 July 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

On 9 July 2021, representatives of the Superior Council of Prosecutors and General Prosecution Office attended an online workshop on reasoning of decisions in disciplinary proceedings. During the event, the participants discussed with the Council of Europe experts the shortcomings identified in...

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The legislative and regulatory framework on selection and promotion of judges and evaluation of integrity risks discussed with the authorities of the Republic of Moldova

24th June 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova presented the results of the assessment on the review of the national framework on selection and promotion of judges with a focus on integrity verifications during an online round table on 24 June 2021. The event was attended by...

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The legislative and regulatory framework on the disciplinary liability of prosecutors in the Republic of Moldova discussed with national authorities

19 May 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova presented the results of the assessment on the review of the national framework on the disciplinary liability of prosecutors during an online workshop on 19th May 2021. The event brought together representatives of the Superior Council of...

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Mandate, effectiveness and institutional challenges of the National Integrity Authority discussed at consultative meetings with justice sector institutions and civil society

26 March - 28 April 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova organized consultative meetings with the representatives of the National Integrity Authority (NIA), Integrity Council, justice sector institutions, development partners and civil society organizations from 26 March to 28 April 2021. The...

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Review of the composition and operation of the Superior Council of Prosecutors of the Republic of Moldova

23 April 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova presented the results of the assessment on the composition and operation of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP) during an online workshop on 23 April 2021. The event brought together representatives of the Superior Council of...

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Steering Committee of the Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova discusses progress and next priorities

25 March 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova took place on 25 March 2021. The meeting brought together representatives of project beneficiary institutions, among which the Ministry of Justice, the Superior Council of Magistracy, the...

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Results of the assessment on the composition and operation of the Superior Council of Magistracy of the Republic of Moldova discussed during an online event

24 February 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova presented national authorities and civil society organisations with the results of its assessment on the composition and operation of the Superior Council of Magistracy (Consiliul Superior Al Magistraturii - CSM) at an online workshop on 24...

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Webinar for Moldovan integrity inspectors on identification of fictitious transactions and presentation of evidence in court

16 and 19 February 2021 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The integrity inspectors and representatives of the Legal Department of the National Integrity Authority (NIA) of the Republic of Moldova participated in two webinars on “Identification of fictitious transactions and presentation of evidence in court” on 16 and 19 February 2021. During the...

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Mechanisms for integrity checking of judges during appointment and promotion in the judiciary assessed in the Republic of Moldova

December 2020 - January 2021 Visio Training

Within the framework of an assessment of existing mechanisms for the integrity checking of judges, the “Action against corruption in the Republic of Moldova” held a series of online consultative meetings with key actors in this area. From December 2020 to January 2021, the representatives of the...

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Review of the legislative and institutional framework governing the disciplinary liability of prosecutors in the Republic of Moldova

16-20 November 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

On 16, 18 and 20 November 2020, the project “Action against corruption in the Republic of Moldova” facilitated 4 expert meetings with the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP), Ministry of Justice, General Prosecution Office and the Legal Resources Centre. The purpose of the meetings was to...

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Composition and operation of the Superior Council of Prosecutors discussed at consultative meetings with justice sector institutions

11-13 November 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

On 11, 12 and 13 November 2020, the project “Action against corruption in the Republic of Moldova” facilitated expert meetings with the representatives of the justice sector institutions. The project, together with the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP), Ministry of Justice, General...

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Consultative meetings with justice sector institutions to discuss the composition and operation of the Superior Council of Magistracy

04-05 October 2020 Visioconference

On 4-5 November 2020, the project “Action against corruption in the Republic of Moldova” facilitated expert meetings with the representatives of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Ministry of Justice and a civil society organization in order to discuss planned and ongoing reforms of the Superior...

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The Steering Committee of the Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova holds its first meeting

14 September 2020 Strasbourg, France

On 14 September 2020, the Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova organized the first meeting of its Steering Committee. The Action supports the authorities of the Republic of Moldova in preventing and combating corruption by enhancing capacities to implement the GRECO...

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Launch of Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova

14 September 2020 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the US Department of State launch a new cooperation project entitled “Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova”. The project aims to address key priorities and needs in the Republic of...

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Inception phase of the project on “Action against corruption in the Republic of Moldova” finalised

8 - 20 July 2020 Video meetings

The Council of Europe and the US Department of State launched, in June 2020, the project “Action against corruption in the Republic of Moldova”. As part of the project inception, several meetings were held during 8-20 July 2020 in order to present the project, discuss precise needs of the...

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