The Faro Convention is open to interpretation, as its principles and criteria call for periodic review as the Faro Convention Network expands. Consequently, its implementation should be flexible and creative, inspiring new initiatives to demonstrate the role of heritage in addressing societal challenges.

This requires an extended network of civil society involvement and academic study to be able to assess the progress and impact of the Faro Convention Action Plan, as well as making sound recommendations. In this capacity, the Secretariat welcomes partnerships with civil society organisations and academia in order to study various aspects of the Faro Convention Action Plan, produce research papers, articles and documentaries, and provoke further discussion in the field of heritage.



Development of partnerships with academia, research organisations and civil society organisations to carry out studies on Faro-related topics;

St Etienne University – from COMUS to Faro, working with five countries and nine COMUS pilot towns, assessing the opportunities for community involvement and heritage communities in developing urban planning strategies.



Relevant academic research papers, articles, documentaries and reports will be shared with a wider audience.

Faro Convention topical series

The Faro Convention Action Plan, in consultation with the Council of Europe’s EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement, carried out a research study in Fontecchio, Italy in October 2017.

Fontecchio is a small medieval village, in the province of L’Aquila, located in a regional park (Monte Sirente), but also in a zone with regular seismic activity (earthquakes[1]).

A discussion centring on community preparedness and post-disaster revitalisation was held amongst academics and civil society organisations, with a focus on the active role of communities and heritage in the revitalisation process. Participants have kindly offered their opinions in short articles here, to generate further discussion and to encourage action in the heritage field.

The articles bring together a selection of examples, case studies and viewpoints on specific situations across a range of European countries. Heritage and community revitalisation is approached with specific attention to heritage and social change, heritage as an ecosystem of development, and making heritage accessible. From these different angles, we see what a people-centred approach means in practice; what we need to know before we act; and what challenges exist that we may or may not be prepared for.


Impact assessment

Periodic assessments will be conducted of the outcomes of the Faro Convention Action Plan and projects. Recommendations will be made for further improvement.

[1] 6 April 2009 - L’Aquila and its surrounding villages were devastated by an earthquake: 309 people died, more than 10 000 buildings were damaged, 66 000 residents were made homeless. In Fontecchio, 40% of the buildings were damaged and needed urgent restoration.


Faro Convention Research Study

9-12 October 2017 Fontecchio, Italy

In consultation with the CoE EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement, a research study is planned in Fontecchio, Italy in October 2017, with the focus on Faro Convention approach, community preparedness and post disaster revitalization. In this capacity, a group of academics and civil society...

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