Si vous avez lancé une initiative ayant mis en œuvre l’une des recommandations formulées dans la Stratégie 21 et si vous souhaitez la voir figurer dans le recueil de bonnes pratiques, veuillez nous la présenter en remplissant les différents champs du formulaire ci-dessous (en anglais uniquement pour le moment).


These concepts can be found in the European Agenda for Culture publication ‘Participatory Governance of Cultural Heritage’.

1. Motivation /Methodology

The motivation for an initiative provides a reason to work in a certain way. In other words, the motivation provides the “why” and the methodology provides the “how”. Examples of motivation can be found by considering which Strategy 21 challenges you wished to address. The courses of action attached to the Strategy 21 recommendations provide examples of methodology.

2. Obstacles/Barriers

Identifying obstacles and barriers is an important part of any initiative and is a valuable source of information for others in creating their own initiatives. These may include funding issues, a lack of certain knowledge, a lack of time, technological challenges or difficulties in involving stakeholders.

3. Change/Impact

Making a difference is at the heart of any initiative. Strategy 21 provides a framework to achieve impact in three sectors: social, economic and territorial, and knowledge and education. Your initiative might achieve results in more than one of these sectors. For more information on this, you can view the factsheet on Strategy 21 in less than 1000 words.

4. Lessons Learned

Lessons learned from the experience of running and initiative may be directly transferable to other situations and locations. Sharing this knowledge is therefore very valuable. Lessons learned may relate to working in the public interest, building relationships, flexibility, support, training, finding a balance between bottom-up and top-down, encouraging participation, transparency and creating links between intangible and tangible heritage.

5. Initiator

‘Initiators’ are those who put a project into motion, who bring stakeholders together. The initiator is often also in charge of the initiative. An initiative might begin at national, regional or local level.