
CyberSouth+ project on enhanced cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence in the Southern Neighbourhood Region is a joint initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe, with a 36 months' implementation - 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2026.

CyberSouth+ is aimed at strengthening criminal justice capacities for enhanced cooperation on cybercrime and disclosure of electronic evidence through a combination of regional and country-specific actions that will be tailored to the needs and capacities of each project country - Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine* and Tunisia.

This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of Council of Europe and European Union member States on this issue.



  • Output 1: Increased capacities of the competent authorities to introduce regulatory and technical reforms in the areas of cybercrime, electronic evidence and criminal justice response.
  • Output 2: Improved knowledge and specialisation of criminal justice professionals to prevent and fight cybercrime.
  • Output 3: Increased opportunities for international cooperation in the framework of the Budapest Convention and its Second Additional Protocol.
  • Output 4: Improved procedures and tools connecting criminal justice authorities and cybersecurity organisations.




GLACY-e, CyberSouth+ and Octopus Project: Call for tenders for event organisation services in Nairobi (12 to 14 November 2024)


The Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe the Global Action on Cybercrime Enhanced Project (GLACY-e) project, the CyberSouth+ Project on cooperation on cybercrime in the Southern Neighbourhood region and the Octopus Project are launching a Call for Tenders 2024/AO/59 -...

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CyberSouth+: enhancing judicial capacities on cybercrime and electronic evidence

14 – 17 July 2024 Amman, Jordan

The joint European Union and Council of Europe action on cybercrime CyberSouth+ supported the Judicial Institute of Jordan in delivering a four-day training course on cybercrime and electronic evidence to 25 magistrates. The course offered participants knowledge on technology and its impact on...

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CyberSouth+: Training of trainers on cybercrime and electronic evidence for magistrates

11-13 June 2024 Tunis, Tunisia

The Ministry of Justice of Tunisia, in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the support of the CyberSouth+ project, organised a training-of-trainers course for magistrates, in Tunis, from 11 to 13 June 2024. Tunisia has already incorporated elements of cybercrime and...

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