These technical reports, presentations and resources do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Council of Europe.

Opening session

  • Thorbjørn Jagland (Secretary General, Council of Europe)
  • Almir Šahović (Ambassador, Permanent Representation Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Jean-Yves Latournerie (Préfet chargé de la lutte contre les cybermenaces, Conseiller du gouvernement, France)
  • Marta Santos Pais (Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children)
  • Kamalina De Silva (Secretary of Justice, Sri Lanka)
  • Uri Rosenthal (Special Envoy for the Global Conference on Cyberspace 2015, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands)

Plenary I

Cybercrime in 2015: What about the rule of law in cyberspace?

Panel: Threats in cyberspace

International policies on cybercrime: where do we stand?

  • David Tait (Rule of Law Division, Commonwealth Secretariat, London)

Workshop 1: Capacity building on cybercrime: good practices and lessons

Panel 1: Capacity building as an international policy

Panel 2: Capacity building in action: ingredients and lessons learnt

Panel 3: Capacity building for judges and prosecutors: Judicial training – lessons

Workshop 2: Evidence in the cloud: criminal justice access to data

Workshop 3: Victims of cybercrime: who cares?

Workshop 4: Cybercrime legislation and implementation of the Budapest Convention

Workshop 5: International cooperation: workshop for 24/7 points of contact and MLA authorities

Workshop 6: SOP working group on standard operating procedures (presentations are not public)

Workshop 7: Policies, activities and initiatives on cybercrime of international and private sector organisations

Workshop 8: Radicalisation on the Internet: the criminal justice perspective

Plenary II - Closing session

Security, privacy and the rule of law in the cloud: What needs to be done?

  • Eric Freyssinet (Advisor to the Prefect in charge of cyberthreats, Ministry of Interior, France)
  • Jean-Philippe Walter (Président du Comité consultative Convention 108 (T-PD), Préposé fédéral suppléant, Switzerland)

Octopus takeaways

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T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

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