workshop kiev

Regional workshop on protecting children against sexual exploitation of children (Kyiv, 7-8 December 2010)

Representatives - investigators and officials responsible with law reform - from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine participated in the event and shared their national experiences in fighting against online sexual abuse of children.

Relevant organisations (i.e. European Union, OECD, Interpol, ICMEC, ECPAT, eNACSO, La Strada, Microsoft and the Council of Europe) were represented in the workshop sharing good practices and contributing to the discussion on strategies and policies to promote a safe Internet for children.

An important achievement of the workshop was the review of the relevant provisions from participating countries in order to identify the main gaps in complying with the standards of the Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual abuse.

Each country presented a short report on further steps to be taken at the national level, most of them recommending that the implementation and ratification of the Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse to be a priority.

These technical reports, presentations and resources do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Council of Europe.


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T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

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