Party to:

  • Budapest Convention
  • Istanbul Convention
  • Lanzarote Convention

Not Party to:

  • Protocol on Xenophobia and Racism (signed)
 Online child sexual exploitation and abuse of children

Provisions of the criminal code


Criminal Code:

Initiating sexual contact with persons under the age of 14 § 208a.

  • (1) Any person who 1. by way of telecommunication or by use of a computer system, or 2. in any other way by deceiving about his or her purpose proposes a personal meeting or agrees to such a meeting with a person under the age of 14 for the purpose of committing an offence under § 201 to 207a para.1 subpara.1 on that person and takes concrete acts of preparation to eventuate the personal meeting with that person is liable to imprisonment for up to two years.
  • (1a) Any person who by way of telecommunication or by use of a computer system establishes contact with a person under the age of 14 for the purpose of committing an offence under § 207a paras. 3 or 3a in relation to a pornographic image (§ 207a para. 4) of that person is liable to imprisonment for up to one year or a fine not exceeding 720 penalty units.
  • (2) A person is not liable under paras. 1 and 1a if the person freely and before the authorities (§ 151 para. 3) become aware of the person’s culpability abandons the person’s plans and informs the authorities of the person’s culpability.

 Useful Resources


No information available yet.

 Cyberharassment, violations of privacy, cybercrime, actual violence

Provisions of the Criminal Code


Criminal Code:

Persistent harassment involving telecommunication or computer systems § 107c.

  • (1) Any person who, using a telecommunication or computer system in a manner that can cause unreasonable interference with the lifestyle of the other person, continuously over a longer period of time 1. defames another in a way that can be perceived by a larger number of people, or 2. makes facts or visual material of the personal sphere of another available to a larger number of people without the consent of the other person is liable to imprisonment for up to one year or a fine not exceeding 720 penalty units.
  • (2) The person is liable to imprisonment for up to three years if the offence results in the suicide or a suicide attempt by the victim under para. 1.

Hate crime


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