The CERG is both a specialized research centre of the EUR-OPA Network and a non-governmental international association (defined on the basis of the French law 1901) with active and corresponding members. The CERG activities are supervised by an Executive Committee composed by a President, a Vice-President, three Advisory Members, an Executive Secretary and a Deputy Executive Secretary (members are elected by half each 3 years). Its role is to propose and validate the scientific and training activities of CERG. A General Assembly opened to all members is organised each year: in 2011, CERG includes 75 researchers (geologists, geomorphologists, engineering geologists, hydrologists, geotechnicians) from 23 laboratories and research centres of 14 European countries. Since 1988, the research programmes of the CERG are supported by the European Community and the Council of Europe and occasionally by national research programmes and other administrations.
President: Prof. Thomas Glade (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
Vice-president: Prof. José Luis Zezere (University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal)
Director: Dr. Jean-Philippe Malet (University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France)
Deputy Executive Secretary: Prof. Olivier Maquaire (University of Caen-Normandie, Caen, France)
Permanent staff of the Center: Dr. Jean-Philippe Malet (University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France)
Development of multidisciplinary research in the field of geo-morphological and geo-hydrological hazards and dissemination of methodology and techniques through advanced training courses and guidebooks.
Promotion of scientific and technical co-operation between CERG European members and exterior individuals or organisations.
Training activities
Several European Intensive Summer Courses (France –Martinique, -South Alps, Normandy, Italy, Austria, Portugal, Spain, etc.)
Several Post-Graduate Training School have been organized in the framework of the FORM-OSE training activities:
FORM-OSE - 3, September 2008 (Barcelona, Spain): Quantitative risk assessment and management
FORM-OSE - 2, September 2006 (Bonn, Germany): Multi-RISK – Concepts to approach multi-hazards
FORM-OSE - 1, September 2004 (Strasbourg, France): Living with hydro-geomorphological risks, from theory to practice
On-going activities:
Implementation of the Be-Safe-Net website “Disaster Awareness with the use of the Internet”.
Preparation of “Post-Graduate Training School” in 2011.
FORM-OSE - 4, June 2011 (Caen, France): Coastal hazard assessment and risk management
Research activities
Seism and landslides: research on landslides triggered by earthquakes to improve their spatial prevision and their prevention. (research developed in North and Central Apennines, Portugal, etc.);
Geomorphological mapping of the upper Tagliole valley (Modena Apennines, Northern Italy) ;
Inventory of landslide risk assessment methodologies used in the EU-25;
State of the art in multiple hazard and risk studies;
Identification of thresholds for landslide crises, and implications for operative early warning systems.
On-going activities:
· Landslide susceptibility mapping at the European scale
· Coastline at risk: methods for multi-hazard assessment
Real-Time Management of Emergency Phase in the aftermath of Natural Disasters
An update on multi-hazard risk assessments
Applicability of Fibre Optic cables for landslide early warning systems.
Other activities
Several research programmes have been prepared and financed through CERG's initiative: Epoch, Teslec, Newtech, Alarm, Ramsoil, Mountain-Risks, Changes, ChangingRisks, etc.;
Several technical expertises in occasion of natural disasters in Europe: landslide in the Leusheni area (Moldova, 1997), debris flow threat to the city of Kvareli (Georgia, 2000), etc.;
Several CERG members are involved in the Scientific Committee of national research programmes;
The complete list of publications is avalaible on the CERG website. Recent publications by CERG are :
Malet, J.-P., Remaître, A, Bogaard, T. A. 2009. Landslide processes: from geomorphologic mapping to landslide modelling, Proceedings of the Conference, Strasbourg, 6-7 February 2009, CERG Editions, Strasbourg, 356 p.
Castaldini, D, Gentili, B, Materazzi, M, Pambianchi, G. 2003. Geomorphological sensitivity and system response. Camerino - Modena Apennines (Italy) July 4-9, 2003. Proceedings of the Course, CERG Editions, Strasbourg, 175 p.
Borgatti, L, Soldati, M. 2002. Relationships between man and the mountain environment in terms of geomorphological hazards and human impact in Europe. Dornbirn (Austria) 14 July 2002. IAG Symposium Proceedings, CERG Editions, Strasbourg, 109 p.
Delahaye, D, Levoy, F, Maquaire, O. 2002. Geomorphology: from expert opinion to modelling, Proceedings of the Conference, Strasbourg, 26-27 April 2002, CERG Editions, Strasbourg, 381 p.
CERG has supported or participated to the organization of:
International conference - Landslide processes: from geomorphologic mapping to landslide modelling, Strasbourg, 6-7 February 2009 - A tribute to Prof. Dr. Theo van Asch
International conference - Geomorphology: from expert opinion to modelling, Strasbourg, 26-27 April 2002 - A tribute to Prof. Jean-Claude Flageollet
Specific sessions are organized in international symposiums:
Specific Session: EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria).