European Centre on Vulnerability of Industrial and lifelines systems - ECILS
Address: Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, University "St. Cyril and Methodius" - Salvador Aliende St. 73, P.O. Box 101, 1000 Skopje, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
The Council: A body that decides on ECILS activities, on the programs and budget. (President: Prof. Ljubomir TASKOV)
The Scientific Council: A body that reviews, comments and approves the drafts of planned activities, programs contents, techniques of performance of the activities and budget proposal. (President: Mr. Vladimir MIHAILOV, Professor Emeritus)
Directorate: Management of the Center, preparation of its programs and budget proposals. (Director: Mr. Zoran MILUTINOVIC)
President of the Scientific Committee: Mr. Vladimir MIHAILOV, Professor Emeritus
Director: Prof. Zoran MILUTINOVIC
Secretary General: Mr. Zoran RAKICEVIC
Permanent staff of the Center: n/a
Promotion of programs for theoretical and applied research of the urban vulnerability associated with the physical (sanitary: water, waste water and solid waste disposal; power: electric power, natural gas and liquid fuel; transportation: highway and railway; and information and communication), social (health care, education) lifelines and industrial systems;
Strengthening of the cooperation between local and national authorities, industry and research institutions for rational planning of measures for reduction of natural hazards' consequences caused by physical damage or functional interruption of physical and social lifelines and industrial systems;
Improvement and further development of experimental research facilities, strong motion instrumentation and monitoring of physical lifeline and industrial systems, especially those located in seismically active regions;
Promotion of the international cooperation through organization of joint research projects, conferences, symposia, workshops and seminars in the field of vulnerability of lifelines and industrial systems;
Promotion of public awareness on problems related to vulnerability of lifelines and industrial systems, mitigation policies and measures, development and promotion of risk prevention culture;
Dissemination of relevant results and information.
Assurance of participants from eligible EUR-OPA MHA Countries for 12 week training course in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (CADAC).
Seismic Monitoring/Research
Seismic monitoring of lifeline systems and industrial facilities components
Monitoring of the Vardar seismic zone in Republic of Macedonia
Paleoseismological study in Macedonia for the need of seismic hazard analysis
Seismic Vulnerability and Reliability of Physical Lifeline Systems
Behavior of pipeline systems in seismic environment
Estimation of seismic vulnerability of industrial facilities based on resonant concept
Seismic reliability evaluation of electric transmission high voltage lines
Seismic Prevention and Preparedness of Social Lifeline Systems
Capacity of health care system in post disaster conditions
Short to medium term priorities and actions for protection of health care system buildings based on their existing seismic resistance and safety
Short to medium term priorities and actions for protection of educational system buildings based on their existing seismic resistance and safety
Risk assessment tools for diagnosis of urban areas
In progress:
Earthquake Protection of Historical Buildings by Reversible Mixed Technologies – PROHITECH
Application of High Tech Strengthening Methodology on Historical Monuments
Amplification and Seismic Vulnerability of Buildings in Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Base Isolated Vital Structures
1) SEMEF-2003, Abstract Volume and Paper/Abstracts Collection CD
2) SE-40EEE, Abstract Volume and Paper/Abstracts Collection CD
3) EE-21C, Abstract Volume and Paper/Abstracts Collection CD
1) International Workshop on “Safety and Emergency Management of Essential Facilities, SEMEF-2003”, Ohrid, June 19-21, 2003. /Organization: ECILS-Skopje/
2) International Conference “Skopje Earthquake 40 Years of European Earthquake Engineering, SE-40EEE”, Skopje/Ohrid, 26-29 August, 2003. /Organization: IZIIS-Skopje, ECILS-Skopje/
3) International Workshop on “Regional Cooperation in the Field of Risk Mitigation and Emergency Management”, Skopje, Macedonia, December 13-14, 2004. /Organization: ECILS-Skopje/
4) International Conference “Earthquake Engineering in 21st Century, EE-21C”, Skopje/Ohrid, 27 August-1 September, 2005. /Organization: IZIIS-Skopje, EUR-OPA MHA, ECILS-Skopje, UN and UNDP in Macedonia, WHO-Regional Office for Europe/Disaster Preparedness & Response Programme, Under the Auspices of UN/ISDR, EAEE, MAEE/
(EAEE) - the European Association of Earthquake Engineering
(MAEE) - the Macedonian Association of Earthquake Engineering