European Centre on Geodynamics and seismology - ECGS


Address: 19 rue Josy Welter L- 7256 Walferdange- Grand Duché de Luxembourg

Tel.: +352-33 14 87 1

Fax: +352-33 14 87 88

E-mail: [email protected]





President: Dr. M. Feider

President of the Scientific Committee: n.n.

Director: n.n.

Secretary General: E. Buttini

Permanent staff of the Center:2 people


  • Promoting research programmes on geodynamics applied to the study of tectonic deformations linked to earthquakes high lightening space techniques;
  • Improving contacts between specialists of the various concerned disciplines;
  • Providing the Underground Laboratory on geodynamics of Walferdange with scientific and technical equipment necessary for the study of deformations in active areas;
  • Undertaking other actions of scientific interest.


  • Days of Geodynamics in Luxembourg
  • Specialised Workshops and working meetings

Geodynamics and sismology

  •  Seismological research(strong movementsofthe ground, physicsofthe seismic sources, effectsof site, early alert, monitoringof civil infrastructure, etc)
  • Monitoringof active volcanosin Africa
  • Radarinterferometryand space geodesy
  • High precision gravimetry in Luxembourg
  • Measurementofthe variationofthe ice massin Greenland
  • Walferdange:a stationof world referenceinhigh precision gravimetry
  • Developmentofthe Luxembourg seismic network
  • Promotionof sciences among young peopleandthe general public


  • Les Cahiers of the European Centre on For Geodynamics and Seismology:
  • Publications in the scientific press


  • Days of Geodynamics in Luxembourg
  • Workshops: “Induced Seismicity” (en 2010), “Earthquake source physics on various scales” (en 2012)