
  • TENTS - Onnettomuuden jälkeiset psykososiaaliset interventiot [FI]

Euroopan unionin vuosina 2007-09 rahoittama Euroopan Traumaverkosto (The European Network for Traumatic Stress, TENTS) pyrkii ammatillisesti kehittämään onnettomuuksien ja katastrofien uhrien psykososiaalista hoitoa ja avunsaantia. Tavoitteena on lisätä mielenterveyspalveluiden tehokkuutta traumauhrien hoidossa rohkaisemalla näyttöön perustuvien hoitomuotojen käyttöä. Näistä lähtökohdista TENTS esittää onnettomuuden jälkeistä psykososiaalista hoitoa koskevia suosituksia.
TENTS-Suositukset perustuvat tieteellisiin tutkimuksiin ja ovat suurelta osin yhdenmukaisia aikaisempien suositusten kanssa (esim. NICE, 2005). Onnettomuuksien ja katastrofien uhreille tarkoitettuja interventioita ovat yhteisö-pohjaiset interventiot, traumaan kohdistuvat psykologiset hoitomenetelmät ja lääkehoito traumaperäisistä stressioireista (PTSD) kärsivillä aikuisilla sekä traumatisoitujen lasten ja nuorten interventiot.
Tämä esite on kehitetty Amsterdamissa AMC-keskuksen psykiatrian osastolla (Division of Psychiatry of the Academic Medical Center). Tekijät ovat A.B. Witteveen ja M. Olff ja yhteistyökumppaneina F. Orengo- Garcia, K. Bergh-Johannesson, C. Freeman ja J. Bisson sekä muut The European Network for Traumatic Stress–verkoston jäsenet.


  • The natural disaster in Asia on 26 December, 2004 [EN]

On the morning of December 26, 2004, an exceptionally great earthquake occurred to the northwest of the island of Sumatra, which forms part of Indonesia. The earthquake caused a rupture in the earth’s crust some 1 200 km long and spawned a tidal wave or tsunami of immense proportions. The tsunami caused widespread devastation particularly on the coasts of Sumatra, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India; about 300 000 people were killed or lost. 179 Finnish citizens were among the dead and 250 were injured. Of the Finns who died, 170 were staying in Khao Lak in Thailand, 106 of them at the same hotel. Pursuant to section 3 of the Accident Investigation Act (373/1985), the event was classified as a disaster. On 13.1.2005, the Finnish Government appointed an Accident Investigation Commission pursuant to section 1 of the Act. The earthquake occurred at about 08.00 Thailand time. The tsunami hit the province of Aceh at the northern tip of Sumatra at about 08.30, the west coast of Thailand at about 10.00 and Sri Lanka about one hour later. The tsunami came as a complete surprise to both local residents and tourists. Most of the Finns who died or were injured were staying in Thailand, which is why the investigation was initially focused there. Local residents immediately initiated aid measures and the authorities became involved about one hour after the event (...).

  • Long-term collective assistance for the bereaved following a disaster: A Scandinavian approach [EN]

Objective: This paper describes an approach where disaster-bereaved families gather over three weekends to process and learn about grief together (a collective approach). Method: The article is based on experience related to several disasters in Norway and Finland, using a maritime disaster in which 16 persons lost their lives as a case example. Conclusions: This approach
provides an opportunity to help numerous persons simultaneously. It facilitates support, communality and help within a group setting, provides access to self-help methods and allows screening of those in need of further help. Three weekend gatherings
were held during the first year following loss of family members. Using plenary sessions, small groups and rituals during weekends, important themes within normal grief reactions over time were addressed (...).