Back High-level conference on European Social Charter adopts political declaration emphasising social justice and human rights

High-level conference on European Social Charter adopts political declaration emphasising social justice and human rights

Today, at the High-level conference on the European Social Charter in Vilnius, ministers, deputy ministers and high-level representatives from the Council of Europe member states, adopted a political declaration and reaffirmed their collective duty to promote respect for, and the continuing development of, social rights. These rights are viewed both as human rights and also as vectors of economic growth, social progress and social cohesion, peace, security and stability.

The Vilnius declaration builds upon the principles established in the Reykjavik Declaration of May 2023 and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of 1993, underscoring the indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights, including social rights.

It emphasises the need for a robust social rights framework across Europe. In this context, it encourages member states who have not yet done so to consider ratifying the Revised European Social Charter and to continually review the possibilities of accepting additional commitments under the Charter, including the collective complaints procedure.

The Vilnius declaration also underlines the importance of further discussions with national and competent local and regional authorities, and with social partners, to promote a rights-based approach to social policy and to share knowledge and good practices in responding to persistent and emerging common problems and challenges.

The member states resolved to remain open to considering possible measures for further optimising the Charter system and to regularly explore the need to convene this high-level conference to address contemporary social policy challenges, also taking into account the expected outcomes.

 Press release


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