Back New registered complaint concerning Greece

New registered complaint concerning Greece

The complaint was registered on 1 July 2024. It relates to Articles 1§2 (the right to work), 11 (the right to protection of health), 16 (the right of the family to social, legal and economic protection), 30 (the right to protection against poverty and social exclusion), 31 (the right to housing) as well as Article E (non-discrimination) read in conjunction with Articles 16, 30, and 31 of the revised European Social Charter. The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO) alleges that the conditions whereby conscientious objectors in Greece are obliged to perform an alternative civilian service, under threat of condemnation or legal and economic sanctions, are punitive and discriminatory, in violation of the aforementioned provisions of the Charter.

European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO) v. Greece
Complaint No. 242/2024


Strasbourg 10/07/2024
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Council of Europe
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