16. Is donation of sperm/oocytes/embryos anonymous? Yes. According to the Czech Act on Specific Health Services (Act No. 373/2011 Sb.)
17. Is it possible to obtain information about the biological origin of a child born after gametes of embryo donation?
i. For the child him or herself, ii. For the parents, iii. For a court. Yes. Only some very basic health, psychosocial and appearance information.
a. Identity of the donor(s)
i. For the child him or herself No, ii. For the parents No, iii. For a court Yes.
b. Certain health information concerning the donor(s)
i. For the child him or herself Yes, ii. For the parents Yes, iii. For a court Yes.
c. Other information
i. For the child him or herself Yes, ii. For the parents Yes, iii. For a court Yes. No exact legal framework for that.
18. Is it possible to contest maternity and paternity of children born utilising MAP and under which conditions? No. According to the Civil Code, the mother is the woman who gave birth to the child and the father who agreed with the treatment.