Reopening of cases following judgments of the Court
At its 7th meeting (5-7 November 2014), the Committee decided to hold an exchange of information according to its terms of reference, on the implementation of the Convention and the execution of judgments on the provision in the domestic legal order for the re-examination or reopening of cases following judgments of the Court. In so doing, the CDDH’s earlier review of the implementation of the relevant Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation No. R(2000)2 was recalled. The DH-GDR decided that the Committee would not repeat this review but rather concentrate on new or unresolved aspects, on the basis of information, including possible examples of good practice and details of how practical or procedural obstacles to the reopening had been addressed and, possibly, lifted. In order to prepare the exchange of views, the Chair of the DH-GDR, Mr Morten RUUD, invited experts to submit elements in reply to some identified questions regarding criminal and civil proceedings.
At its 8th meeting (27-29 May 2015), the Committee held a fruitful exchange of views on the re-examination or reopening of cases following judgments of the Court, with particular focus on good practices and practical and procedural difficulties encountered. It benefited from the practical experience presented by a Representative of the Department for the Execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. An overview presenting the main information, issues and challenges identified during the exchange of views, will be elaborated.
Written contributions submitted by experts appear below (in English or French).
[Information as of 23.06.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 31.07.2015]
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[Information as of 30.12.2015]
[Information as of 01.07.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 14.01.2016]
[Information as of 15.01.2016]
[Information as of 16.07.2015]
[Information as of 15.07.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 16.07.2015]
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[Information as of 15.06.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 17.07.2015]
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[Information as of 12.06.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 17.06.2015]
[Information as of 07.10.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 02.06.2015]
[Information as of 04.12.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
[Information as of 21.05.2015]
- Overview of the exchange of views held at the 8th meeting of DH-GDR on the provision in the domestic legal order for the re-examination or reopening of cases following judgments of the Court
- Compilation of written contributions on the provision in the domestic legal order for re-examination or reopening of cases following judgments of the Court
- Round Table on « reopening of proceedings following a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights » - Strasbourg, 5-6 October 2015, organised by the Department of the Execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
- Department for the Execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
- Review of the implementation of Recommendation Rec(2000)2 on the re-examination and reopening of certain cases
Secretary General
Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law
Committee of Ministers
Parliamentary Assembly
Access to Official Documents (TROMSØ CONVENTION)
Department for the execution of the Court's Judgments
European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
HELP – European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals
Online Plateform Human Rights and Business
Chair of the CDDH