Eradication of impunity for serious HR violations (CDDH-ELI)
In March 2011, the Committee of Ministers adopted the Guidelines on eradicating impunity for serious human rights violations, on the basis of a draft prepared by the CDDH. This non-binding legal instrument provides general standards for the prevention of impunity and specific standards concerning, among others, the State’s duty to investigate serious human rights violations and bring perpetrators to justice, as well as safeguards to protect persons deprived of their liberty in these circumstances.
More than a decade after the adoption of these Guidelines, the evolution of international law and the current international context, marked, in particular, by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, confirm the importance of a consolidated text setting out standards on the eradication of impunity and suggest a need to revisit the 2011 Guidelines.
On this basis and further to its terms of reference for 2024-2027, the CDDH established a Drafting Group on Eradication of Impunity for Serious Human Rights Violations (CDDH-ELI) to conduct preparatory work on a study on the need for and feasibility of (an) additional non-binding instrument(s) to complement the 2011 Committee of Ministers’ Guidelines. The CDDH is expected to adopt this study by the end of 2025.
1st meeting | 15-17 May 2024
2nd meeting | 15-17 October 2024
3rd meeting | 14-16 January 2025
4th meeting | 28-30 April 2025
More information to come soon.
Chairperson of the CDDH-ELI