Main Themes of the Conference of INGOs
The Conference of INGOs brings a civil society dimension to the work of the Council of Europe and its themes reflect the main priorities of the Council of Europe.
At it's plenary meeting on 25 June 2015, the Conference adopted its Action Plan for the period June 2015 - January 2018. The Conference's priorities and strategic aims are:
- commitment to the indivisibility of human rights;
- protecting human rights defenders;
- combatting radicalisation and the types of extremism that lead to terrorism;
- promoting gender equality;
- freedom of assembly and association and the creation of an environment that is favourable to the functioning of NGOs in Council of Europe member states;
- democratic governance through increased participation by civil society in decision-making procedures at local, national and European levels;
- combating discrimination and violence against vulnerable persons and groups;
- active citizenship in an inclusive society;
- migration: challenges and consequences;
- governance and territorial aspects of democracy.
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