Mission statement: to strengthen the role of Civil Society in the Council of Europe

The Conference of INGOs brings together all the NGOs that enjoy participatory status at the Council of Europe. This voice of Civil Society in the CoE, represents a wide variety of organizations in many sectors, active in many countries and is committed to the agenda of the CoE: democracy, human rights and rule of law.

Traditionally the Conference focuses on (gender) equality and non-discrimination, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. We keep in close contact and in dialogue with civil society in neighbouring areas of Europe.

Recently, the erosion of the space for civil society organisations and the breakdown of participative society have become matters of deep concern.

In the past year the Conference has undergone a substantial reform process, resulting in more focus on the needs of our INGOs and on the agenda of the other bodies of the CoE.

We invite you to come in contact with us, learn more about the Council of Europe and the Conference of INGOs and also about how you can contribute to our mission.


 Contact Gerhard Ermischer
