22nd Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention
Water, landscape and citizenship in the face of global change
Seville, Andalusia, Spain, 14-15 March 2019
Photo: Seville, Andalusia, Spain
The 22nd Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention on “Water, landscape and citizenship in the face of global change” was organised by the Council of Europe – Secretariat of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention, Directorate of Democratic Participation – in co-operation with the Ministry of Culture and Sport of Spain in partnership with the Region of Andalusia and the Municipality of Seville, within the framework of the Work Programme of the European Landscape Convention.
The Parties to the Convention undertake:
to recognise landscapes in law as an essential component of people’s surroundings, an expression of the diversity of their shared cultural and natural heritage, and a foundation of their identity;
to establish and implement landscape policies aimed at landscape protection, management and planning, through the adoption of the specific measures set out in Article 6 of the Convention ;
to establish procedures for the participation of the general public, local and regional authorities, and other parties with an interest in the definition and implementation of the landscape policies;
to integrate landscape into their regional and town planning policies and in their cultural, environmental, agricultural, social and economic policies, as well as in any other policies with possible direct or indirect impact on landscape.
Considering that the Convention includes “inland and maritime waters”, the Meeting focused on public policies concerning them. Attention was paid to policies concerning the management of water resources and the presence of water in the landscape.
The Meeting was aimed at government officers – members of the Council of Europe Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP), of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, and representatives of other ministries –, representatives of local and regional authorities, professionals, academics, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations, and other persons, working in the fields of landscape and sustainable development, with its environmental, cultural, social and economic dimensions. The number of participants was limited to 250.
Mrs Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Council of Europe
Mr Thierry MATHIEU, Chairman of the Democracy, Social Cohesion and Global Challenges Commission of the INGO Conference of the Council of Europe
Mr Javier RIVERA BLANCO, Deputy Director General of the Institute of Cultural Heritage. Ministry of Culture and Sports, Spain Represented by:
Mrs Carmen CARO JAUREGUIALZ, Senior Official, Co-ordinator of National Plans for Cultural Heritage, Institute of Historical Heritage, Ministry of Culture and Sport, Spain
Mrs Sanja LJESKOVIC MITROVIC, Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, National Representative of the Convention for the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Montenegro
Mr D. Juan ESPADAS CEJAS, Mayor of Seville, Spain
Consideration of water in the framework of the work of the Council of Europe Mrs Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Globalisation and landscape. Extra-European influence of the Florence Convention Mr Florencio ZOIDO NARANJO, Honorary Director of the Centre for Landscape and Territorial Studies, University of Seville, Andalusia, Spain
– Workshop 1 – Water in landscapes and water landscapes in Spain
Mr Marcelino SANCHEZ RUIZ, Former General Director of Cultural Heritage of the Junta de Andalucía and institutional co-ordinator of the Project The Olive Grove Landscapes of Andalusia for the World Heritage, Expert in Heritage and Local Development, Spain
Mr Pedro PARIAS FERNÁNDEZ DE HEREDIA, General Secretary, Association of Irrigation Communities of Andalusia (FERAGUA)
National landscape policy in Spain
Mrs Carmen CARO JAUREGUIALZO, Senior Official, Co-ordinator of National Plans for Cultural Heritage, Institute of Historical Heritage, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Spain (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Landscape evolution and future scenarios of a large peninsular river
Mrs Asunción RODRÍGUEZ MONTEJANO, Urban Architect, Prointec, Indra Group. Independent Commission, Spain (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Healthy city: water, public space and citizenship
Mr Lucas PEREA GIL, Head of the Department of Corporate Social Responsibility, Metropolitan Water Supply and Sanitation Company (EMASESA) of Seville, Andalusia, Spain (+ Powerpoint presentation + Photos)
Illustration of the water routes in Seville Mrs Lourdes FERRAND AUGUSTIN, Center of documentation of the Department of Research, Science and Communication, Metropolitan Water Supply and Sanitation Company (EMASESA) of Seville, Andalusia, Spain
The uses and the historical management of water in the landscapes of cultural interest of Andalusia Mr José Maria RODRIGO CAMARA, Head of the Landscape Laboratory, Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, Andalusia, Spain (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Presentation of the film “The landscape of Bolonia cove, Tarifa, Cádiz”, Spain
A sustainable tourism for landscapes without water Mr Cipriano MARIN, Member of the Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR) and Co-ordinator of BiosphereSmart Initiative (MaB-UNESCO), Canary Islands, Spain (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Mrs Esperanza CARO GOMEZ, Director of Economy and Trade, Seville City Council, Spain
Mr Andreas HILDENBRAND SCHEID, Professor at the Higher Technical School of Architecture, University of Seville, Spain
– Workshop 2 – Water landscapes: international experiences
Mrs Anita BERGENSTRAHLE-LIND, Head of European Union and International Relations Office of the Director General, National Heritage Board, Sweden
Mr Anestis GOURGIOTIS, Director of the Department of Spatial Planning, Ministry of the Environment and Energy, Greece
Georgia’s Landscapes and Hydroelectric Resources: Challenges and Opportunities Mrs Marina TUMANISHVILI, Chief Specialist, International Relations Unit and UNESCO, National Agency for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage, Georgia (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Water-Land-Scape: A new approach in Flanders for a climate-resilient aquatic landscape built with farmer organisations, nature, water and landscape Mrs Liesbeth GELLINCK, Project Manager, Flemish Land Agency, Belgium (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Taking into account water in landscape policies and plans
Mr Julien TRANSY, Landscape Manager, National Representative for the European Landscape Convention, Directorate of Housing, Town Planning and Landscapes, Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, France (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Mr Gilles de BEAULIEU, Landscape Planner, Landscape Manager, Housing, Town Planning and Landscape Department, Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, France
Water landscape in Poland Mrs Małgorzata KOSEWSKA, Senior Expert, National Secretary of the Landscape Convention, Nature Protection Department, Directorate General of Environmental Protection, Poland (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Landscape on the water and underwater landscapes in the Netherlands
Mr Peter ROS, Landscape Project Manager, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Underwater landscape: How to define and manage it? Answers by landscape research and heritage administration
Mr Tapio HEIKKILÄ, Senior Environmental Advisor, Ministry of the Environment, Finland Mrs Sallamaria TIKKANEN, Intendant, Finnish Heritage Agency, Finland
Mrs Laura SEESMERI, Researcher, University of Turku, Finland
The underwater archaeological landscape in Croatia
Mrs Doris KURTOV, Head of the Department of International Co-operation and Funds, International Centre for Underwater Archaeology, Croatia (+ Powerpoint presentation)
The Water Framework Directive and cultural heritage, conflicts in implementation
Mr Leif GREN, Senior Advisor, Swedish National Heritage Council, Sweden Mr Anders HEDLUND, Senior Official, Swedish National Heritage Council, Sweden (+ Powerpoint presentation)
– Forum of experiences – River landscapes and inland waters
Mrs María Linarejos CRUZ PÉREZ, Expert, Vice-Co-ordinator of the National Plan for Cultural Landscapes, Spain (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Mrs Margarita ORTEGA, Architect, Member of the Board of administration of FUNDICOT, Spain
Evolution challenges of urban river landscape, example of the city of Zagreb Mrs Biserka DUMBOVIC-BILUSIC, Senior Officer, Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Department of Conservation of Rijeka, Ministry of Culture, Croatia (+ Powerpoint presentation)
The landscapes and river heritage
Mr Pierre PEYRET, Manager of Water as Heritage Project, France
Water and Heritage Mr Henk van SCHAIK, Representative of “Water and Heritage” for the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS-NL), the Netherlands (+ Powerpoint presentation)
The management of hydraulic structures: the example of the Adam de Craponne Canal Mrs Thérèse-Annie FRANÇOIS, Deputy Mayor of Arles, France
Mr Gaëtan GUICHARD, Directorate of the Union Association of Office of the “Waterers” of La Crau, France (+ Powerpoint presentation + video)
Water and Landscape: time and space opportunity Mr Loïc PIANFETTI, Landscape Architect and Landscape Manager, National Society of French Railways, Lve Environment Landscape, France (+ Powerpoint presentation)
River landscapes and coastal resilience Mr Romeo FARINELLA, Professor at the University of Ferrara, Urban and Territorial Planning Laboratory, Italy (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Mrs Biljana JOVANOVIC ILIC, Senior Advisor, Strategic Planning, Sector for Strategic Planning and Projects, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Serbia
Mr Dejan RADOSEVIC, Senior Expert, Institute for the Protection of the Historic and Natural Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Srpska Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
With the participation of the Members of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP), the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention and representatives of the Ministries; Representatives of local and regional authorities; Representatives of international governmental organisations and representatives of international and national non-governmental organisations; other participants interested in the landscape issue.
The strategic planning of regions and cities: the water issue Mrs Elena SADOVNIKOVA, Expert on International Aspects of Regional Co-operation, Russian Federation
The water of the river, source of health: the Pinos River
Mrs Nella GOLANDA, Cityscape Sculptor, Sculptured Architectural Landscapes, Greece (+ video)
Actions and perspectives in Wallonia Mr Didier MORAY, Landscape Architect, President of the Belgian Association of Gardens and Landscape, Public Service of Wallonia for Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment, Directorate of Green Spaces, Belgium (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Amber coast Mrs Ingūna URTĀNE, Director of the Department of Spatial Planning, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Rapporteur Mrs Jelena HLADNIK, Secretary, National Head for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Slovenia
Words of welcome:
Mrs Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe
Mrs María Carmen CLARISA CASTREÑO LUCAS, First Deputy Mayor, Delegate of the Department of Economy, Trade and Institutional Relations, Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mr Luis LUQUE GARCIA, Technical Director, Metropolitan Water Supply and Sanitation Company (EMASESA) of Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Friday 15 March 2019
– Workshop 3 – Protection, management and planning instruments related to the presence of water in the landscape
Mrs Liv Kirstine JUST-MORTENSEN, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, Honorary Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, Norway
Mr Enrico BUERGI, Honorary Chairman of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, Switzerland
Water in Hungary’s National Landscape Strategy and Landscape in the Hungarian Water Strategy Mrs Krisztina KINCSES, Vice-Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, National Representative of the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Mrs Ágnes TAHY, Deputy Head of Department, Directorate General of Water Management, Hungary
The Spatial plan for Coastal Area of Montenegro
Mrs Sanja LJESKOVIC MITROVIC, National Representative of the Convention for the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Montenegro (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Towards quality marine landscape plans
Mrs Stella Sofia KYVELOU, Associate Professor, Deputy Ηead of the Department of Economics and Regional Development, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Coastal and marine landscapes
Mrs Manuela Maria PRATICÒ, Senior Officer, Landscape Protection, Directorate General Archaeology Fine Arts and Landscape, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, Italy
Protection and valorisation of coastal and fluvial landscape Mr Daniele VADALÀ, Senior Officer, Landscape Protection, Directorate General Archaeology Fine Arts and Landscape, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, Italy (+ Powerpoint presentation)
– Forum of experiences – Coastal and marine landscapes
Mrs Mireille DECONINCK, Dr. Sc. Geographical, Senior Official, Attachée, Public Service of Wallonia, Belgium
Mr Lorenzo PÉREZ DEL CAMPO, Director of the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute of the Department of Culture of the Local Government of Andalusia, Spain
The social dimensions of urban waterfront planning
Mr Rauno SAIRINEN, Professor of Environmental Policy at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
The photographic observatory of the coastal landscape seen from the sea in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur: take to the sea to look at the land
Mr Luc TALASSINOS, Landscape Project Manager, Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea, Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing, Provence Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France (+ Powerpoint presentation)
The underwater landscapes
Mr Olivier MUSARD, Assistant to the Director of Marine Natural Park of the Gulf of Lion, Marine Protected Areas Agency, France (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Redevelopment of degraded coastal landscapes Mr Antonio DATTILO, Landscape Architect, Senior Officer of the Presidential Department of Calabria Region, Rome Office, Italy (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Mrs Júlia TÓBIKOVÁ, Senior Official, National Representative of the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of the Environment, Czech Republic
Mr Eladio FERNANDEZ-GALIANO, Former Head of the Culture, Nature and Heritage Department, Council of Europe, Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
With the participation of the Members of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP), the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention and representatives of the Ministries; Representatives of local and regional authorities; Representatives of international governmental organisations and representatives of international and national non-governmental organisations; other participants interested in the landscape issue.
Water, landscape and spatial planning Mr Konstantin ANANITCHEV, Expert in Spatial Planning, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation
A landscape trail along the history of Veneto Mr Alberto CAGNATO, Urban Architect, Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of the Medio Piave Landscape Observatory, Treviso, Italy (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Pliva River in the city of water, rocks and lights Mrs Mulija TABAK-ABEDPOUR, Head of the Department for Protection of Heritage, Federal Ministry of Physical Planning, Bosnia and Herzegovina (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Landscape and the integrated coastal zones management: Strategy and Action Plan for the Republic of Cyprus
Mrs Irene HADJISAVVA, Senior Official, Department of Town Planning and Housing, Ministry of the Interior, Cyprus (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Water in Estonian landscapes
Mrs Merit OTSUS, Senior Officer, Nature Conservation Department, Ministry of Environment, Estonia (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Historic environment, landscape, water and community in England
Mrs Hannah FLUCK, Head of Environmental Strategy, Historic England, United Kingdom (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Water and landscape in Ukraine Mrs Olena LEGKA, European Landscape Convention National Focal Point, Chief Specialist, Division of Land Resources, Directorate of Natural Resources Protection, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ukraine
Mrs Irena GARCIA VAZQUEZ, Centre for Landscape and Territorial Studies, Seville, Andalusia, Spain
– Workshop 4 – Citizenship and social participation in management water landscapes
Mrs Marta Andreia COSTA RODRIGUES, Senior Officer, Landscape Architect, Directorate General for Territory, Ministry of the Environment, Portugal
Mr Mindaugas ŽOLYNAS, Chief Officer of Division of Protected Areas and Landscape, Nature Protection and Forest Department, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Lithuania
Water, cultural diversity and solidarity Mrs Corinne WACKER, Professor, College of Life Sciences, Institute of Eco-Responsibility, University of Engineering, Switzerland (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Implementation of the right to water on a wide scale: the social tariff
Mr Henri SMETS, Member of the Water Academy, France
The landscapes of water and light among the impressionists Mr Georges LUCENET, Vice-President and General Manager, Impressionism Routes, Water and Light Association, France (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Citizen participation in the management of water landscapes Mr Yves LUGINBÜHL, Director of Research Emeritus of the National Centre for Scientific Research, France (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Mrs Dace GRANTA, Senior Expert, Planning Policy Division, Department of Land Planning, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia
Mrs Ingrid GOJEVIC, Head of Service for International Programmes and Projects, Institute for Spatial Development, Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, Croatia
With the participation of the Members of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP), the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention and representatives of the Ministries; Representatives of local and regional authorities; Representatives of international governmental organisations and representatives of international and national non-governmental organisations; other participants interested in the landscape issue.
The landscape and water-related issues: water and landscape, values or passions? Mr Jean-Guy UBIERGO, Director of Territorial and Prospective Mutations, Toulouse, France
Euxinograd, the pearl in the historical parks of Bulgaria Mrs Daniela GINCHEVA, Head of Department, National Institute for immovable cultural heritage, Ministry of Culture, Bulgaria (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Water, landscape and citizenship in the face of global change: presentation by Slovak Republic
Mrs Zlatica CSONTOS ŠIMOŇÁKOVÁ, Senior Officer, Ministry of the Environment, Slovak Republic (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Landscape approach et perspectives
Mrs Nevena VASILJEVIC, Professor at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Serbia (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Landscape and water in the agriculture of Israel
Mrs Dafna CASARETTO, Senior Official, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Israel (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Rapporteur of parallel communications Mrs Ángela LARA GARCÍA, Architect, Doctor in urban and participatory urban water cycle management in inhabited and public spaces, Spain (+ Powerpoint presentation)
Mr Felice SPINGOLA, Sociologist, Landscape Economist, Centro Studi Pan, Calabria, Italy
L’aspect systémique du paysage Mr Kimon HADJIBIROS, Professeur, Université technique nationale d’Athènes, Grèce
Closing Session
Exchange of views with:
Mr Antonio SERRANO RODRIGUEZ, President of the Interprofessional Association for Territorial Development (FUNDICOT), Spain
Mr José Manuel LOMBERA, General Director of Territorial Planning and Urban Environmental Impact Assessment, Government of Cantabria, Spain
on the occasion of the 9th International Congress of the Interprofessional Association for Territorial Planning on “Planning and Integrated Management as Answer”, 13-15 March 2019, Cantabria, Spain
with the participation of
Mrs Margarita ORTEGA, Architect, Member of the Board of administration of FUNDICOT, Spain
Mrs Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe
Mr Lucas PEREA GIL, Head of the Department of Corporate Social Responsibility, Metropolitan Water Supply and Sanitation Company (EMASESA) of Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mrs María Linarejos CRUZ, Expert, Vice-Co-ordinator of the National Plan for Cultural Landscapes, Spain
Mrs Silvia FERNÁNDEZ CACHO, Head of the Documentation and Studies Centre, Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, Spain
Mr Rafael MATA OLMO, Professor of Geography, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Mrs Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe
Mrs Sanja LJESKOVIC MITROVIC, Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, National Representative of the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Montenegro
Mr Lucas PEREA GIL, Head of the Department of Corporate Social Responsibility, Metropolitan Water Supply and Sanitation Company (EMASESA) of Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mr Adolfo FERNÁNDEZ PALOMARES, General Director of Environment, Parks and Gardens, City of Seville, Spain
Mr Roman FERNANDEZ-BACA CASARES, Director General of Fine Arts, Ministry of Culture and Sport, Spain