International Legislation
Specialised international organisations already carried out substantial work to combat counterfeiting, with greater emphasis on the protection of intellectual property rights. However, there is a general recognition that, along with the violation of intellectual property rights, counterfeiting of pharmaceutical products and medical devices puts public health and the health of individuals at risk and therefore needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
Strengthening criminal justice response in times of COVID-19
- INTERPOL: Guidelines for law enforcement
- European Commission: Scams related to COVID-19. Common position of the Consumer Protection Cooperation Network on rogue traders during the COVID-19 outbreak
- EUROPOL: Safe teleworking tips and advice
- EUROPOL: Staying safe during COVID-19: what you need to know
- EUROPOL: Beyond the pandemic: how COVID-19 will shape the serious and organised crime landscape in the EU (report)
- EUROPOL: A safety guide for the 'new normal' after COVID-19 (infographic)
- EEAS Special Report: Disinformation on the coronavirus - short assessment of the information environment
- UNODC: Cybercrime and COVID-19: Risks and responses
- European Judicial Network (EJN): Measures taken in the respective mamber states and other non-EU countries to facilidate cross-border investigation
- Council of Europe: Respecting democracy, Rule of law and human rights in the framework of the COVID-19 sanitary crisis; a toolkit for member states
- Council of Europe: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on human rights and the rule of law