In Portugal, history is taught together with other subjects throughout primary school. It is then taught as a compulsory standalone subject at lower secondary level. At upper secondary level, students choose to follow strands with different subject concentrations; only students taking languages and humanities are required to study history as a standalone subject throughout all three years. For all other students, history is elective; may be taught in combination with other subjects; and may cover one, two or three years of upper secondary education, depending on the course.

The history curricula follow a thematic, chronological and competence-based organisation. The curricular guidelines are set by the Ministry of Education, with schools and teachers having a level of autonomy and flexibility to adapt the curriculum to their specific needs. Curriculum design takes place with the participation of civil society organisations. Private schools are not required to follow the same national curricula used by public schools.

Teachers are not required to use specific assessment methods, but the recommendation at national level is to use a diverse range of assessment methods in all subjects. End-of-stage assessments are optional. Schools are responsible for selecting textbooks from an annual list approved by the Ministry of Education, and the use of all types of educational resources is allowed. Teachers must be accredited to teach history and must hold a bachelor’s and master’s degree. In-service professional development courses are optional.

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The information in the sections above is an excerpt of the thematic and general data presented in the following OHTE publications:

 2022: Pandemics and natural disasters as reflected in history teaching​

 2023: OHTE General Report on the State of History Teaching in Europe