
15-19 January - Online meetings for the launch of the PG  fathers who use drugs qualitative research project

23 January, Chisinau, Moldova - Pompidou Group participation in the Steering Committee of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Moldova

24 January - Online Conference by the European Gender and Drugs Group 

25 January - participation in the Interagency Working Group on “Access to Controlled Drugs for Medical and Scientific Purposes, whilst Prevention Diversion, Non-Medical Use and Misuse 



1 February - Launch of 2024 MedNET addictology courses in Marrakech and Tangiers

6 February, Paris, France - 1st Bureau meeting of Permanent Correspondents

7 February, Paris, France - Meeting of the Human Rights expert group

19-21 February, Tbilisi, Georgia – Training on the Pressing Issues of Mental Health (under bilateral project in Georgia)

21 February - Meeting of the expert group on online addictions (online)

22 February - Lisbon Addiction side event on gender, first online preparatory meeting

22-23 February, Tbilisi, Georgia – Workshop for Georgian Probation Agency and municipal representatives on mapping of preventive services for parents and adolescents (under bilateral project in Georgia)



1-2 March, Tunis, Tunesia, MedNET Masterclass in opioid use disorders

12-15 March, Bologna, Italy - Module I, Thematic Training on ‘Improving Access and Quality of Treatment Services’

13 March - Lisbon Addiction side event on gender, second online preparatory meeting

13 March, Tbilisi, Georgia – Launch of the project ‘Support to Penitentiary Systems Reforms in Georgia’ (including a Pompidou Group component)

14-22 March, Vienna, Austria - Pompidou Group participation in the 67th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)

26 March - 4th Meeting of the expert group on online addictions (online)



17 April, Paris, France - MedSPAD Committee meeting

18-19 April, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, - Pompidou Group's participation in WHO Conference on prison health

22-23 April, Strasbourg, France – 2nd working group meeting for the development of the HELP course on Human rights, drugs and addictions

29 and 30 April, (two half days) - 1st advisory group meeting on the role of police in drug prevention (online)



8 May, Tbilisi, Georgia - Mid-term evaluation workshop of the piloting phase of the Positive Parenting Programme

14-17 May, Rabat, Morocco - Module II, Thematic Training on ‘Improving Access and Quality of Treatment Services’

28-31 May, Milan, Italy - Study visit of Georgian delegation to Italy  (under bilateral project in Georgia)

30 May, Naples, Italy - 94th Permanent Correspondents meeting

31 May, Naples, Italy -  Seminar 'Recovery'



10-14 June, Montenegro – Training of trainers on module on drugs and addictions for interdisciplinary prison staff (under CJHP)

17-18 June, Ljubljana, Slovenia - Assessment visit to Slovenia on improving the implementation of standards on treatment and rehabilitation of detained people with substance use disorders

19-20 June 2024, Nicosia, Cyprus - Assessment visit to Cyprus on improving the implementation of standards on treatment and rehabilitation of detained people with substance use disorders

20-21 June, Strasbourg, France – 3rd Working group meeting of the HELP course on drugs and addictions

25 June – Joint hearing of the Pompidou Group and the Sport Division of the Council of Europe during the PACE session on ‘Addiction to sport betting’.



3-4 July, Strasbourg, France – 2nd Advisory group meeting on redefining the role of police in drug prevention

4-5 July, Lisbon (Portugal) - Pompidou Group participation in the constituent meeting of the EU Drug Agency Management Board

30-31 July, Kobuleti, Georgia - Workshop on the Presentation of the Evidence on and Benefits of Prison-based Therapeutic Communities





23 September - 2nd Bureau meeting of Permanent Correspondents (online)

24-25 September, Strasbourg, France – Joint conference ‘Improvement and safeguards of health conditions of persons deprived of their liberty with substance use disorders’  

24-26 September, Strasbourg, France – 4th study visit of the South-East Europe group of prison professionals (PRISEE) 



9-10 October, Bulgaria – 10th annual meeting of the South-East Europe group of law enforcement officers (AIRSEE) 

23-25 October, Lisbon, Portugal - Pompidou Group participation in the 5th European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies (“Lisbon Addictions”)

25-26 October, Vienna, Austria – Pompidou Group contribution to the European Conference on Health Promotion in Prisons (under CJHP)

29-30 October, venue tbc. – 3rd Advisory group meeting on redefining the role of police in drug prevention



12 November, Paris, France - Human Rights and Drugs conference

5-6 November, Strasbourg, France - 95th meeting of the Permanent Correspondents

18-22 November, Strasbourg, France - 2nd Annual Conference of Drug Control Networks



5-6 December, Lisbon, Portugal - Pompidou Group participation in the EUDA Management Board meeting






Do you have questions?

  Contact the Secretariat

 Pompidou Group