A human rights-based approach to drug policy

A human rights-based approach means incorporating all applicable human rights standards into a specific policy and not just addressing specific violations.  This implies the need to integrate human rights standards into drug policies, action plans and implementation processes. 

Human rights involve both rights and obligations. Under international law, states have obligations and duties to respect, protect and fulfil human rights. The obligation to protect human rights requires states to protect individuals and groups from human rights violations. This means that states should take positive measures to facilitate the enjoyment of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

 The Pompidou Group: putting human rights at the heart of drug policies

At the 18th Ministerial Conference, the Pompidou Group adopted the ‘Lisbon Declaration’, which reaffirms the Group's commitment to being a forerunner of a human rights-centred approach in the fight against drugs, addiction and related disorders. In addition, the revised mandate of the Pompidou Group, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 2021, explicitly mandates the Group to ‘promote respect for human rights in the development, adoption, implementation and evaluation of policies on drugs and addiction’.

As part of its mission to promote compliance of drug policies with human rights, the Pompidou Group has consistently taken action in various forms over the past decade. These include policy papers, expert reports, tools and guidance documents, as well as a wide range of capacity-building activities. This work has led to a number of sustainable initiatives and has provided important knowledge and understanding for advancing drug policy.


 The expert group on human rights and drug policies

The self-assessment tool is intended to be a dynamic instrument that responds to drug policy needs as they arise and takes into account drug policy contexts as they evolve. This requires regular review and updating of the tool's content, functionality and user-friendliness.

As part of the 2023 - 2025 Work Programme, the Pompidou Group has tasked its Expert Group on Human Rights and Drug Policy with overseeing the application, use and development of the self-assessment. 

In addition, the expert group has been tasked with preparing draft guidelines on the alignment of drug policies with human rights standards. These guidelines should be presented to the permanent correspondents of the Pompidou Group for adoption in 2025.