
Agora Building - Room G04, Strasbourg

11-13 January 2016 (9h30)


1. Opening of the meeting


2. Adoption of the agenda and the order of business

PC-CP (2015) 15

3. Adoption of the summary report of the last meeting

CDPC (2015) 26

4. Information provided by the Secretariat


5. Handbook on radicalisation in prisons

PC-CP (2014) 16 rev 2

6. Review of the Recommendations and Resolutions in prison and probation fields


8. Organisation of the 21st Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services (2016, the Netherlands)

PC-CP (2015) 10 rev 2
PC-CP (2015) 9 rev

9. Draft Recommendation on the European Rules on community sanctions and measures


10. Revision and updating of the commentary to the European Prison Rules


11. Any other business


16. Dates of the next meetings