The Council of Europe project ‘Aligning laws and policies with the Istanbul Convention’ (2023-2026) aims at strengthening the institutional capacities to prevent and counter violence against women and domestic violence in line with the standards of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). The project uses the Istanbul Convention as a compass for its action and it builds on the guidance produced in previous projects on combating violence against women and domestic violence, and largely focusing on implementing the most pressing recommendations issued in the evaluation conducted on the alignment of laws and policies with the Istanbul Convention in 2022.



•    Judicial professionals are aware of the requirements of the Istanbul Convention regarding investigation, prosecution, and protective measures.
•    Recommendations are drafted regarding legislative and policy frameworks on criminalisation, investigation, prosecution, procedural law and protective measures.
•    Media, education sector and NGOs are aware of their role in preventing VAW and understand the requirements of the Istanbul Convention. 
•    Support services, in particular shelters, hotlines and centres for social work have trained staff and knowledge on the Istanbul Convention requirements to run quality services for victims.   
•    Necessary support services and other measures are identified in relation to the protection of victims at risk of intersectional discrimination.
•    Knowledge and capacity are generated to set up perpetrators' treatment programmes.



  • Ministry of Justice
  • Correctional Service
  • Academy of Justice
  • Ministry of Health
  • Constitutional Court
  • Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation
  • Agency for Gender Equality


1 March 2023 – 28 February 2026


* All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.


Senior Project Officer

 +383 (0) 38 40 77 70 / internal ext. 6790



Project Assistant

 +383 (0) 38 40 77 71/ internal ext. 6791