Romanes: Pedagogko lil e romane chavenge, o sinte, thaj o pirutne roma ko niveli maj anglal kaj te astarel pes i shkola

About the project

This tool is aimed at children, who, for different reasons, had not attended nursery school and were not ready, in terms of either learning or maturity, for the first year of primary school. It is also to be aimed at children who have fallen behind somewhat, particularly as a result of absences or various family problems.

The objective of the teaching kit is to help Roma/Traveller children gain access to and succeed at school, inter alia by targeting learning-related objectives with children and their parents:

  • Developing the basic skills needed to start school
  • “learning to learn” and awakening children’s “desire to learn”
  • Educating parents about “learning”.

The teaching kit contains :

Two documents explaining the context and the pedagogical tool proposed

Educational content

  • Activities sheets for children
  • Animated sheets for the preparation of the activities aimed at mediators and / or tutors
  • Training manual for tutors (English - French - Romani)

Activities sheets for children


Animated sheets for the preparation of the activities aimed at mediators and / or tutors