Football and Integration Alliances
Specific action dedicated to newly-arrived migrants
Name of the project owner: Fooball Association of Ireland (FAI)-Intercultural Football Programme
Status of the project owner: National Governing Body of Sport
Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Social integration / Intercultural exchange
Website of FAI
Republic of Ireland
Geographic scope of project: National
Project objective: Develop competences for active citizenship / Promote social diversity / Develop language skills / Educate and transmit values through sport / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health / Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency / Promote access to volunteering in sport
Type of sport or physical activity carried out: Football
Partnership / supports: Grants (Asylum Migration and Integration Fund / AMIF)
Project duration: 3 years (start: 2017 / end: 2019)
Project status: Planned project
Supervising staff: Professionals
Summary of the project: Foster integration in Irish society using football by mobilising community participation nationally within a project framework that supports alliances & collaborative actions between local clubs, individuals and community groups. The project will develop & support a national alliance network of sustainable local football actions developing connections beyond the lifetime of the AMIF. Operationally, the project proposal will leverage the FAI's existing network of full time development officers, extensive grassroots network of affiliates, from clubs to leagues, as well as local authority & NGO connections to support collaborative alliances. The project will specifically focus on children, adults & young people's participation.
Country of origin: Non EEA nationals
Type of migration: Refugee / Asylum seeker / Migrant in transit
Target beneficiary: Families / Men only / Women only / Children / Teenager-Young people
Target age group: 11-20 / 21-30 / 31-60