The Governing Board comprises one representative appointed by the government of each of the EPAS member states.

Its Bureau is elected by the members of the Governing Board. It comprises a chair, a vice-chair, five other members, and two representatives of the Consultative Committee (currently the International Federation of Sport Officials and the International Sport and Culture Association) without the right to vote. Its term of office is for two years, renewable only once. The last elections took place in June 2023, and the current Bureau is composed of delegates from the following states:

  1. Alexandre Husting (Luxembourg), Chair
  2. Vacant - Vice-Chair
  3. Solène Charuau (France), Region 1
  4. Bram Van Houten (Netherlands), Region 2
  5. Andrew Decelis (Malta), Region 3
  6. Ioanna Paraskevopoulou (Cyprus), Region 4
  7. Diana De Aguiar Santos (Portugal), Host State of the 2024 Conference of Ministers
  8. Charlotte Girard Fabre (International Federation of Sport Officials), Chair of the Consultative Committee
  9. Mogens Kirkeby (International Sport and Culture Association), Vice-Chair of the Consultative Committee



The Governing Board:

  • is responsible for the general implementation of the tasks conferred upon EPAS;
  • adopts the draft EPAS annual programme of activities, in conformity with the Financial Regulations of the Council of Europe;
  • submits proposals to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for the draft annual budget, prior to its transmission to the Statutory Committee;
  • decides on pilot projects consistent with the Council of Europe’s political priorities, and draws up the relevant budgets;
  • monitors the implementation of the programme of activities and the management of EPAS funds;
  • adopts and transmits an annual activity report to the Committee of Ministers.


How does it work?

The Governing Board:

  • meets once a year at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Depending on the items on its agenda, it may invite representatives of the relevant Council of Europe bodies to attend its meetings, without voting rights;
  • adopts its decisions by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, with each member having one vote. All procedural matters are decided on by a majority of the votes cast. In all other matters, the Governing Board adopts its own rules of procedure and any other arrangements for the implementation of its activities;
  • may assign operational tasks to its Bureau. The Bureau is convened by the Chair of the Governing Board at least once a year.

  Rules of Procedure of the EPAS Governing Board