The Council of Europe’s Sport Division is responsible for developing, promoting and implementing ground-breaking legal instruments, upholding the integrity and values of sport, whilst also promoting human rights. We are a dynamic team of passionate and dedicated professionals, who are committed to advocating for fair play and respect in sport, preserving integrity in sport and helping making it safer, more ethical and accessible to all. We assist national authorities, sport organisations and all interested stakeholders in advancing their sport policies and tackling the major challenges facing sport today.
Our motto: Championing human rights in and through sport!

Source: Shutterstock 1059887825


 Sophie Kwasny
Head of Division
EPAS Executive Secretary

 Leonor Tejado
Communication Officer 

 Francesca Cardinale



 Francine Raveney
Deputy Executive Secretary

 Cassandra Mactavish
Senior Project Officer

 Michelle Bronner
Administrative Support Assistant

 Caroline Larghi
Administrative Assistant

 Despina Tramountani
Project Support Assistant

 Marco Rizzi
Project Support Assistant

 Emma Zanichelli 
Communication Officer


Start to Talk
 Elena Casero

Programme Manager 



 Liene Kozlovska
Senior Project Officer and Co-Secretary

 Leonor Tejado
Administrative Support Assistant

Safety, Security and Service

 Paulo Gomes
Head of Saint-Denis and Secretary

 Marie-Françoise Glatz

 Francesco Zecchetto
Project Support Assistant

European Union-Council of Europe joint projects

All In Plus

 Olivia Conrad
Senior Project Officer

 Kateryna Lavryk
Junior Project Officer


Balance S4
 Gabriela Matei
Senior Project Officer

 Alexandre Charrier
Administrative Support Assistant


The offices of the Sport Values Division are located at the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg (France):

Conseil de l'Europe - L'Agora 
Division Sport
1 Quai Jacoutot
F-67075 STRASBOURG cedex

 Contact us