"Today, the system of human rights protection in Europe is one of the most advanced in the world. The European Convention on Human Rights, the Court, the different monitoring mechanisms and institutions, as well as my Office, work to ensure that States uphold their obligations to protect, respect and fulfil human rights. However, structural shortcomings and a lack of political will still hinder the full realisation of human rights.

My role as Commissioner for Human Rights is to keep states alert to the problems that may restrict people’s ability to enjoy their rights, and to help them find solutions to improve human rights protection and implementation. To achieve this goal, I intend to work closely with all those who can make a difference -governments, national authorities, human rights defenders, journalists, NGOs, and educators. Human rights are not only a matter of states’ compliance with law and standards: they also require the support of society as a whole. Each of us must engage in the everyday implementation of human rights.

Human rights are not just about being free from coercion, discrimination and abuse. They are also about living our lives to the fullest potential. Human rights oblige states to safeguard our freedoms and strive to ensure dignity, justice and inclusion for all. It is my firm intention to use my mandate to help states live up to these expectations.”

Dunja Mijatović



Dunja Mijatović was elected Commissioner for Human Rights in January 2018 by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and took up her position on 1 April 2018. She is the fourth Commissioner, succeeding Nils Muižnieks (2012-2018), Thomas Hammarberg (2006-2012) and Alvaro Gil-Robles (1999-2006).


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