20 November 2018 - 16.45-18.30 / Council of Europe Hemicycle

Interpretation: FR/EN/RU

Two stories will be told at this session. One story falls under the theme of “Women's professional leadership in a religious setting” and the other under the theme of “discrimination and violence.”

It is impossible to describe who the story-tellers are in a nutshell as it will only be through the discovery of the story that the listeners will be able to grasp the essence of these people and their life experience. For the purposes of the programme an introductory title is therefore given to both. These titles are:

  • An African-American lesbian rabbi: An intersectional approach to navigating religious life and leadership
  • Child bride, survivor and mother of five


Youth worker and trainer/consultant in educational projects across Europe


Dariusz Grzemny is a youth worker in Poland and a trainer/consultant in educational projects across Europe dealing with anti-discrimination and human rights education. Rooted in local youth groups, his international work experience includes the Amnesty International Secretariat in London, where he worked as a human rights education advisor and the Council of Europe where he was an educational advisor. He is a member of the Pool of Trainers in the Youth Directorate of the Council of Europe. He was involved in the development and implementation of the No Hate Speech Movement campaign in the Council of Europe. He is an author of several educational materials on human rights education. Dariusz currently works in SZANSA, a local NGO is Glogow (Poland) advising and monitoring the work of the youth workers who work with the issues of violence, including gender-based violence.



Author and activist

United Kingdom

At the age of 13 Gabriella was trafficked from the UK to Yemen along with her sisters where they were sold as child brides. Aged 29, and after years of horrific abuse and personal loss, she managed to escape back to the UK with her 5 children thanks to the help of the British Embassy. Because Gabriella and her family have encountered fear, discrimination, violence and many other forms of social injustices, Gabriella believes giving voice and opportunity to those who have Lived Experience is a must if we are to bring about meaningful and true change to individual lives and whole communities.





Rabbi Georgette Kennebrae is the spiritual leader of West End Synagogue, a Reconstructionist congregation in Manhattan. She has a passion for co-creating sacred community which is inclusive, meaningful and joyous. Rabbi Kennebrae works towards building healthier, more vibrant and just environments through both social activism and pastoral care. Coming from a military family, she has lived around the world and is committed to multi-faith and multi-ethnic engagement, fostering dialogue and action in local and national arenas. She also encourages sacred conversations around death and dying and serves on the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel Board. Rabbi Kennebrae graduated from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and earned her joint M.A. degree in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies and Women and Gender Studies from Brandeis University. She is a Wexner Graduate Fellowship Alum and a current Schusterman Fellow.