Welcome to Compass, the manual for human rights education with young people,in this fully revised and updated edition!

Compass was first published in 2002 within the framework of the Human Rights Education Youth Programme of the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe.

The programme was created because human rights education (HRE) – meaning educational programmes and activities that focus on promoting equality in human dignity – was, and remains, of incalculable value in shaping a dimension of democratic citizenship for all young people and in promoting a culture of universal human rights. (Read more)

Message from the Secretary General

Photo by Anoush Abrar

Human rights belong to all of us, but young people play a specific role in upholding them. As individuals, and through youth organisations, they defend human rights in the spaces where they are particularly present – places of learning, leisure and online – as well as at work and within broader society. Like all of us, young people must know how to access, protect and promote human rights. More broadly, democracy needs young people who understand its principles and are committed to advancing them. Their participation in civic and democratic life is therefore vitally important – and this is a priority for the Council of Europe. The Reykjavík Principles for Democracy call for investment in our democratic future by ensuring that everyone, including youth, has the opportunity to play their role.

Compass is the Council of Europe’s practical tool and globally acclaimed resource responding to the need for purposeful human rights education and training by, for and with young people. Compass has helped tens of thousands of voluntary and professional youth workers and civil society actors, as well as educators in formal and non-formal learning environments, to bring human rights education into the lives of young people.

Available in more than 30 languages, Compass is a point of reference that is shaping rights-based approaches in youth work and youth policy. Compass empowers learners for life. This is vital as our European democracies are not established once and for all. Rather, we need to uphold them each and every day, continuously, in all parts of our continent.

I trust Compass will continue to guide youth leaders, human rights educators and others in their shared objective of promoting democratic security and peace throughout Europe.

Alain Berset