Data protection Views from Strasbourg in Visio (1-3 July)

The Bureau of the Committee of Convention 108 and the Data Protection Unit organised remote and open sessions to present the work of the Committee to a broader audience than the Delegations usually attending our meetings in Strasbourg.
Those six crisp lightning thematic sessions were held from the 1st to the 3rd of July (those dates were initially scheduled for the 40th Plenary meeting of the Committee which had to be postponed in light of the current circumstances).
To see again the fantastic virtual line-up of speakers, the programme and a summary of each session, please click on the corresponding theme below.
- Session 1: How to ensure that countries that commit to Convention 108+ comply with its provisions? Why do we need a follow-up and evaluation mechanism, and which one?
- Session 2: How do we address the latest challenges posed by profiling in an AI era?
- Session 3: What does the right to data protection imply in an educational setting? What schools have to do, and what they should stop doing?
- Session 4: Are digital identity programmes being implemented with privacy by design?
- Session 5: Mirror of our souls: learning Cicero’s lessons and addressing facial recognition risks
- Session 6: Political campaigns and elections: why is data protection so crucial?
Pick one, pick six, but please seize this unique opportunity to discover our work and our community. For each of the topics discussed, working documents currently under preparation can be consulted (none of the working documents is final, they will be discussed at the next Plenary meeting of the Committee, which is also why your participation and feedback can really make a difference).
1 July (Wednesday)
Welcoming by Patrick PENNINCKX, Head of the Department of Information Society Council of Europe
3pm-4pm Follow-up and Evaluation Mechanism
- Elizabeth DENHAM, Information Commissioner - United-Kingdom (Recorded message)
- Jörg POLAKIEWICZ, Legal Adviser, Council of Europe
- Cécile DE TERWANGNE, Professor of Law and Research Director - CRIDS, UNamur, Council of Europe expert
- Graham GREENLEAF, Professor of Law & Information Systems, UNSW - Australia
4.10pm-5.10pm Profiling
- Yves POULLET, Professor Emeritus, UNamur, Council of Europe expert
- Wojciech WIEWIOROWSKI, European Data Protection Supervisor
- Gabriela ZANFIR-FORTUNA, Senior Counsel, Future of Privacy Forum
- Alessandro MANTELERO, Associate Professor, Politecnico Torino - Italy
2 July (Thursday)
3pm-4pm Educational setting
- Jen PERSSON, Director Digitaldefendme, Council of Europe expert
- Patricia POKU, Director, Data Protection Commission - Ghana
- Pascale SERRIER, Senior Advisor- Digital Education CNIL - France
4.10pm-5.10pm Digital Identity
- Pat WALSHE, Director, Privacy Matters, Council of Europe expert
- Omar SEGHROUCHNI, President, CNDP - Morocco
- Raymund ENRIQUEZ LIBORO, Privacy Commissioner, National Privacy Commission of the Philippines
- Eduardo BERTONI, Director, National Access to Public Information Agency - Argentina
3 July (Friday)
3pm-4pm Facial Recognition
- Sandra AZRIA, Attorney at law, Council of Europe expert
- Tamas MOLNAR, Programme Officer, Legal Research, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
- Carly KIND, Director, Ada Lovelace Institute
- Vincent GRAF, Strategic Technology Advisor, ICRC
4.10pm-5.10pm Political campaigns
- Colin BENNETT, Department of Political Science, University of Victoria, B.C. Canada, Council of Europe expert
- Rik DAEMS, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
- Lucy PURDON, Acting Policy Director Privacy International
- Nevena RUZIC, Bureau Member of the Committee of Convention 108 for Serbia
Moderated by Nigel SMITH, Council of Europe