Political campaigns and elections: why is data protection so crucial?


3 July (Friday)

4.10pm-5.10pm     Political campaigns
  • Colin BENNETT, Department of Political Science, University of Victoria, B.C. Canada, Council of Europe expert
  • Rik DAEMS, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
  • Lucy PURDON, Acting Policy Director, Privacy International
  • Nevena RUZIC, Bureau Member of the Committee of Convention 108 for Serbia

See full programme on the main page

Visit the dedicated webpage on Data Protection Views from Strasbourg in Visio (1-3 July) and see other themes:
Session 1: How to ensure that countries that commit to Convention 108+ comply with its provisions? Why do we need a follow-up and evaluation mechanism, and which one?
Session 2: How do we address the latest challenges posed by profiling in an AI era?
Session 3: What does the right to data protection imply in an educational setting? What schools have to do, and what they should stop doing?
Session 4: Are digital identity programmes being implemented with privacy by design?
Session 5: Mirror of our souls: learning Cicero’s lessons and addressing facial recognition risks
Session 6: Political campaigns and elections: why is data protection so crucial?