Training on access to social rights for young people in Romania

Padureni Youth Center, Romania - August 2018

The Romanian Ministry of Youth and Sport, through its Covasna County Division in partnership with the Council of Europe Youth Department, organised a training seminar for introducing the Enter! Recommendation CM/Rec (2015)3 to stakeholders involved in youth work at national, regional and local level.

The seminar brought together representatives of line ministries, county councils officers, municipalities and local administration representatives, youth NGOs, the National Youth Council and Council of Institutionalised Youth.

The participants explored existent forms, tools and methods for working with Enter! Recommendation, on their accessibility, efficiency and attractiveness for diverse groups of young people in Romania as well as to contribute to improving dialogue and cooperation among them for new initiatives that sustain and strengthen the usage of Enter! Recommendation at local level in Romania.

Read more about the Enter! support measures to local authorities and their results

What can youth work do for access to social rights?

September 2018

This study by Yael Ohana highlights the impact of and key lessons learned from the experience with two long-term training courses for youth workers organised in the framework of the Enter! project.

It identifies and analyses the results achieved in four main areas: educational impact; policy impact; impact on access to social rights of young people and the impact on communities of young people or communities experiencing disadvantage.

In praise of the value of youth work for human (social) rights, the study provides also inspirational examples of action, with testimonies from youth workers and youth policy actors active on issues of access to social rights.

Download the study: What can youth work do for access to social rights?

Enter! Recommendation promoted to the municipality of Leon

Spain, September 2017

Raúl Fuente Rodriguez , youth worker with the Association Auryn and the councillor of the municipality of Leon for the family, social service and youth have completed their local project for implementing the Enter! Recommendation.

The project consisted of a 5 months series of workshops for young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Leon using non-formal education tools and approaches. The topics of these workshops are intercultural learning, learning in human and social rights connected to the needs of the young in their lives.
The project is also promoting the Enter! Recommendation looking at ways how it can be implemented in practice through the municipal policy programme. The municipality expressed interest in the Recommendation and based on this project will develop new ways for partnerships with the local youth work associations.

Local workshops on Access to social rights

Slovakia, September 2017

Olga Shebanova, a participant of the Enter! Long term training course conduced a set of workshops in her organisation Clovek v Ohrozeni (People in Need). In Clovek v Ohrozeni, the organisation which works on humanitarian crisis response, all around the world, Olga is working on social integration of Roma communities and improving the access to rights for young Roma people. In this work, the Enter! Recommendation is a perfect guide that promotes different social rights and can easily be used.

Part of the presentations, the workshops also used different activities from Compass which helped the staff and volunteers of the organisation to experience and understand better the issues.

Enter! Recommendation explored in preparation of the Moldovan Youth Capital 2018

REPUBLIC of Moldova, September 2017

Victoria Ivancioglo with her organisation Perspectiva met with Cahul’s mayor Nicolae Dandiş to discuss the municipality’s application for the Moldovan Youth Capital 2018. For Cahul’s youth the selection of the town as the “Youth Capital 2018” represented a big opportunity for youth development and collaboration with the municipality. During the meeting an Action Plan and budget were developed for the youth activities for next year. The organisation Perspectiva proposed activities within the "Youth Capital 2018" project which ensure access of youth to social rights based on Enter! Recommendation.